The leading Omnichannel Intelligent Marketing Platform

Integrate online and offline multi-channel data to help brands maximize the ROI of advertising

Building a new infrastructure for digital marketing


Data Management Platform

Omni channel data integration 
Comprehensive tags at individual and household level
Connect household ID to individual ID

A one-stop data management platform that integrates multi-channel and massive data

Real-time tag update and optimizaiton through multiple channels to ensure accuracy of audience targeting

Cross-screen audience targeting to enhance brand impact and engagement


Intelligent Media Management Platform

Integrates premium inventories across the internet 
Rich advertising formats across CTV, mobile and desktop
Comprehensive targeting with AI capabilities

YOYI programmatic platform reaches 80% of China media inventory

Rich advertising formats covering full consumer media touchpoints

Comprehensive targeting and dynamic creatives based on AI capabilities


Household to Individual

  • CTV Programmatic Buy
  • Cross-screen Campaigns
  • Big Brand Impact

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Traffic & Conversion

  • Tmall & JD Data Partnership
  • Products launch 丨Promotion Sales丨Brand Day

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Connection & Interaction

  • WeChat,Red Book,TikTok Kols
  • Kols Campaign retargeting for conversion

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Online to Offline

  • Situational Marketing
  • Online Booking丨Offiline Visiting
  • Community Penetration & Family Reach


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Consumer Operations

  • Digital touchpoints matrix
  • Personalized communication
  • Strategy | Creatives
  • Enterprise WeChat


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Recruitment & Retention

  • New user registration | Activation
  • Reactivate dormant customers | Win back lapsed customers
  • Initial purchase | Repurchase

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Recognition from Top 500 companies

17 years of digital marketing experience, YOYI TECH has served more than 1,000 brands, covering 80% of Fortune 500 companies.

Co-evolution with advanced global brands

1000+ brands in FMCG, 3C, automotive, home appliances and etc., have embraced the digital intelligent marketing experience with YOYI TECH


To achieve new growth in omnichannel​

Choose YOYI TECH and become a member of 1000+ successful enterprises​

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