ADTECH China Marketing Marketing

What are Advertisers’ Favorite Advertising Formats in China?

What are Advertisers’ Favorite Advertising Formats in China?


发布时间:2024-07-15   作者:

Due to the distinct software usage habits of Chinese consumers, email advertising, which garners significant attention in overseas markets, simply doesn’t work in China. The reason is straightforward: unless for work or travel bookings like flights, trains, or hotels, Chinese consumers rarely check their emails. Therefore, to advertise in China, it’s wise to observe how local and international advertisers, who have been in the Chinese market for years, place their ads. This article will introduce the most favored advertising formats among advertisers in the Chinese market, along with the corresponding media resource.

According to CNNIC statistics, as of June 2023, the scale of mobile phone netizens in China reached 1.076 billion people, with 99.8% of netizens using mobile phones to access the internet. The extremely high coverage rate of mobile terminals among netizens determines that mobile advertising is an inescapable topic in the battle for online attention. Currently, 96.7% of enterprises place ads on mobile platforms, 46.7% on PC platforms, and 13.3% on OTT platforms. It can be said that mobile advertising has become a battleground for advertisers to attract traffic and capture user attention.

Drilling down to ad types, according to the “2023 China Online Advertising Market Research” released by the research consulting institution iResearch platform, 90% of enterprises consider information stream ads as one of the main types of advertising, making it the most mainstream form of advertising. Search ads come in second with an 83.3% share, followed by banner ads (56.7%) and splash ads (50%).

Believing that the above-mentioned large-scale advertising types in the Chinese market are not unfamiliar to foreign advertisers, YOYI will introduce to you the characteristics of these popular advertising types and which media have these resources.

Feed Ads

Introduced by Facebook, feed ads are also very popular in Chinese social media. Feed ads are widely present in the user friend dynamics of social media, information media, or audio-visual media, in the form of pictures, graphics and text, videos, etc., and can be targeted through tags, according to one’s own needs, choose to increase exposure, UV, or app downloads, etc. The following are common feed advertising platforms in China:

Information platforms include: Toutiao, Qutoutiao, Sohu, Phoenix, Yidianzixun, Zhihu, etc.

Short video platforms include: Douyin, Kuaishou, Momo, etc.

Social media platforms: Tencent QQ, WeChat Moments, etc.

Search Engine Advertising

Search engine advertising refers to advertisers determining relevant keywords based on the content and features of their products or services, writing advertising content, and independently pricing and placing ads. When users search for keywords placed by advertisers in search engines, the corresponding ads will be displayed (when there are multiple users purchasing the same keywords, they will be displayed according to the bidding ranking principle), and the advertiser will be charged according to the bid for that keyword when the user clicks, with no charge for no clicks.

Search engines commonly used by Chinese users include: Baidu, Sogou, 360, Google.

The famous Chinese social media platform WeChat has also launched a built-in search feature called “Search” and its corresponding ads can also be considered a form of search advertising.

Banner Ads

Banner ads are rectangular advertising spaces that span across web pages, apps, H5, and mini-programs at a fixed position, usually at the top or bottom, and are often in the form of pure images, pure text, or a combination of images and text. When users click on these banners, they are typically linked to the web pages, apps, or form pages that the advertiser wants them to visit.

In China, banner ad spaces are commonly found on popular media and information websites such as Toutiao and NetEase News. In addition, some commonly used video apps such as Youku, iQiyi, LeTV, and Mango TV also set up banner ad resources. During major promotional periods in China, such as the 618 promotion, some apps will also set up special banner ad spaces, such as Zhihu.

Splash Ads

Splash ads refer to static images, animated pictures, or video-style advertising materials displayed on the startup page of an app, with a fixed display time, generally 5-15 seconds. After the display is completed, it automatically closes and enters the main page of the app. Splash ads can incorporate interactive elements, such as touching the screen for interaction, rotating the phone to adjust the display form, and strategically guiding to further enhance the user’s advertising browsing experience and increase the desire to interact. The characteristics of splash ads include the quality of the position, full-screen display, strong targeting, mandatory exposure, and huge traffic.

Video apps such as Youku, iQiyi, LeTV, and Mango TV will set up splash ads. In addition, UGC social apps like Zhihu; learning apps such as Youdao and Youdao Cloud Notes; photo editing apps like Meitu Xiuxiu; travel-related apps such as Gaode Map, Ctrip, and Tongcheng, all have splash ads.

Video Ad Spots

Video ad spots, also known as video interstitial ads, are a popular form of advertising among fast-moving consumer goods advertisers and advertisers accustomed to traditional media. They often appear before, after, or at fixed time points during online video playback.

Video apps such as Youku, Tencent, iQiyi, Wasu, Sohu, LeTV, Fengxing, and Baidu Video all have video ad spot positions.

Incentive Ads

Incentive video ads refer to a form of advertising that integrates video ads into the APP application, combining video ads with the content of the APP application. Users can receive rewards for watching video ads.

Incentive ads are commonly seen in gaming apps, where players can earn rewards such as coins or points after clicking on and watching video ads.

Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads refer to ads that pop up in specific interfaces and at specific times within an app, available in both full-screen and pop-up formats. They can be closed directly or after a certain period of display, and the ad revenue is considerable. This form of advertising has a strong visual impact and supports both image and video materials.

For example, in video apps, when users pause video playback, interstitial ads will pop up in full-screen or half-screen formats to convey advertising information to users. Some gaming apps may choose to pop up when users briefly stop gaming operations, cleverly avoiding affecting the normal user experience.

If you wish to efficiently and swiftly captivate Chinese consumers, you need to cautiously experiment with different advertising formats and find an effective and cost-moderate advertising combination. YOYI suggests that you could start with the most popular advertising formats, of course, based on the premise of selecting suitable creatives and content for your brand.



ADTECH Digital Marketing Marketing

How Do We Monitor Advertising in China?

How Do We Monitor Advertising in China?


发布时间:2024-07-29   作者:

In China, the rapid development of the internet industry has become a thing of the past. Faced with increasingly precious traffic, brands and advertisers need to put in more effort to “explore” and manage. Advertising monitoring naturally becomes an indispensable part of the advertising placement industry chain. Through advertising monitoring, advertisers can understand the effectiveness of their placements and further optimize strategies to gradually improve the return on investment. This article will explore how advertising monitoring is implemented in the Chinese market and what the current state of advertising monitoring is like.

What to monitor?

In China, advertisers also focus on the exposure, clicks, and in-app interaction effects of advertisements.

Exposure Monitoring: Also known as “impression monitoring,” it is usually the channel vendors who pass the data back to the advertisers.

Click Monitoring: Monitoring the number of clicks, which can be collected by the advertisers themselves or passed back by the channel vendors through data transmission.

In-App Monitoring: Refers to the monitoring of behaviors/events within the APP, such as basic PV, UV, APP activation/registration/login, etc., and user retention on the next day, 7 days, 30 days, pay rate, ARPU value, etc. These data are generally collected through the integration of third-party monitoring companies’ SDKs within the app, and the interfaces provided by different apps will vary.

Advertising Monitoring Process

To monitor the effectiveness of advertisements, advertisers fill in the corresponding monitoring address when creating the smallest unit of an advertisement, which is the creative. The monitoring URL generally includes the following macros: creative ID or advertisement ID identifier, user device identifier, IP, UA, operating system, etc., and special ones may include CLICKID, CALLBACK.

The entire monitoring process can be roughly divided into three steps:

  1. Advertisers/ad agencies place advertisements with media outlets. When users browse and click on the advertisements, the media will report the data to the advertiser or a third-party advertising monitoring platform. Common third-party platforms include: Umeng, adMaster, and Miaozhen.

  2. After users click on the advertisement, they enter the landing page and participate in the advertising activities, such as downloading and launching the APP. After completing a series of operations, the APP uploads the user data to the advertising monitoring platform through the corresponding interface. Of course, other interactive media such as websites and H5 can also monitor the interaction data from the source of the advertisement through tracking codes and embedded points.

  3. After attribution through certain methods, the user’s relevant data will be associated with the channel merchant and ultimately fed back to the advertiser/ad agency.

Data Reporting Methods for Advertising Monitoring: SD& APIK 

Advertising data monitoring in China is mainly implemented through SDK and API methods. The technical principles of the two are the same, both collecting user information and transmitting it back to the monitoring platform’s server for comparison. For example, when a user clicks on an advertisement link with tracking parameters, the monitoring platform collects the user’s IP, operating system version, device model, and other information through the link and stores it.

If a user clicks on an advertisement and is redirected to the App Store to download and activate the APP online, the APP will also collect all the user information stored by the monitoring platform.

Then, by matching the information collected when clicking on the link with the information collected after downloading and activating, subsequent conversion and other indicators can be monitored.

The SDK method is simple, easy to use, and powerful. Media outlets integrate SDKs into their Apps, and after completing certain development work, they can meet the vast majority of the needs of third parties and advertisers, with high accuracy and real-time performance.

The API method is flexible, versatile, and applicable to both Apps and mobile web pages. However, it requires media outlets to undertake some development work in accordance with API monitoring standards. API monitoring is divided into two types: C2S (Client to Server) API and S2S (Server to Server) API.

C2S, or Client to Server, refers to the terminal issuing a request instruction to the order placement proxy server. After the terminal receives and completes the instruction, it sends the completed instruction to the third-party monitoring proxy server, which conducts accurate traffic monitoring through mutual counting. Under the C2S model, user actions are directly reported to the third-party monitoring platform’s server, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the data. Renowned brand advertisers such as AdMaster and Nielsen often prefer this method to ensure seamless traffic authenticity verification.

S2S, or Server to Server, refers to the terminal issuing a request instruction to the order placement proxy server and then sending the completed instruction back to the order placement proxy server, which in turn sends the data to the third-party monitoring proxy server. This design may affect the timeliness of monitoring data while protecting user privacy, as it requires additional steps. Media outlets sometimes opt for S2S as an alternative strategy due to concerns over data security and may not support C2S monitoring.

C2S is more accurate and can reduce media cheating, commonly used by brand advertisers, but C2S requires client releases for each monitoring, making the implementation more complex.

Click Monitoring Methods: Synchronous Monitoring & Asynchronous Monitoring

Synchronous monitoring integrates the monitoring code with the landing page link. When a user clicks on an advertisement, they first visit the monitoring link, jump to the monitoring company’s server, and then jump to the landing page. Synchronous monitoring ensures the immediacy of the monitoring but may affect the user experience. In addition, synchronous monitoring does not support the transmission of parameters such as IDFA.

Asynchronous monitoring, on the other hand, directly redirects users to the landing page after clicking on the advertisement, with the media server sending a monitoring request to the monitoring company’s server. The asynchronous mode ensures a good user experience, but data transmission may be delayed. Moreover, since the request is sent by the server, the visits collected by the monitoring company all come from the same IP segment. If the client is targeting a specific city, determining the region solely based on the IP can lead to significant geographical discrepancies.

Current State of Advertising Monitoring

The mainstream third-party advertising media monitoring tools in China are TrackMaster introduced by AdMaster and AdMonitor introduced by Miaozhen. However, some dominant media outlets refuse third-party monitoring:

  1. The first kind is top-tier vertical media, mainly out of concern for protecting their own data, fearing that clients obtaining the data will affect the media’s valuation and traffic value.

  2. The second kind is dominant internet platforms, which often provide their own developed monitoring tools to clients.

Brands and advertisers must monitor advertising to better understand the effects, prevent data fraud, and continuously optimize the media mix, timing, geography, and creativity using the data obtained. The choice of monitoring mode depends on factors such as the brand’s demand for traffic authenticity, user privacy protection, and system compatibility between both parties. As the market evolves, China’s advertising monitoring methods may continue to evolve to adapt to the ever-changing advertising environment.



ADTECH China Marketing Marketing

Understanding the Unique Advertising Formats in China to Avoid Ineffective Advertising

Understanding the Unique Advertising Formats in China to Avoid Ineffective Advertising


发布时间:2024-07-29   作者:

In the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, China’s advertising ecosystem has developed unique characteristics that set it apart from the global market. This article delves into specific advertising formats that are not commonly seen abroad but have gained significant attention in China. Furthermore, we analyze popular advertising strategies that have made a splash internationally but remain largely unknown in the Chinese market. By examining these differences, this article will help brands to better understand which advertising formats in the Chinese advertising market will be more conducive to business growth.

Elevator Advertising

China is one of the most populous countries in the world, with a high urban population density, especially in residential communities and commercial office buildings. Elevators, as a necessary facility in high-rise buildings, provide a high-frequency exposure opportunity for advertising as a large number of people pass through them every day.

The widespread application of digital advertising screens makes elevator advertising more dynamic and colorful, and even achieves precise push and interactivity, enhancing the attractiveness of advertising. Compared with traditional television, radio, or large outdoor advertising, elevator advertising has a relatively low cost and is more flexible in placement, which can be selectively placed based on specific attributes of the target audience. In addition, the space inside the elevator is relatively closed, and there are fewer interference factors in the display of advertisements. Passengers often have nothing to do when waiting for or riding in the elevator, which increases the attention and memory of the advertisement.

Advertisers can achieve precise placement after understanding the characteristics of the residents or office workers of the target building, including age, gender, occupation, and other information, and combine creative content with memorable points, using multimedia forms such as video and sound to improve the expressiveness and interactivity of elevator advertising. By using QR codes, NFC, and other technologies, online and offline connections are realized to guide the audience to further interact.

Splash Screen Advertising

Splash screen advertising is mainly used to display a previously cached advertising content (pictures, animations, videos) or re-requested advertising when an APP is opened. While displaying the advertising content, some preparatory operations of the application can also be done. The implementation process is not complicated and is more commonly used in mobile advertising in China.

Most foreign APPs are simple and direct. Users do not like to see an advertisement that is unrelated to the software after opening the APP, such as YouTube, Facebook, etc., which are all directly a logo screen. However, some domestic APPs are in a monopolistic position, and users have no choice. But too frequent advertisements will directly affect the user experience. If there is a splash screen advertisement that makes users wait for 3 to 5 seconds every time the application is launched, it will make people feel annoyed and may even uninstall the APP, so publishers need to reasonably set the number and interval of advertisements to balance revenue and user experience.

Some mobile apps in China with splash screen advertising include: CTV apps such as Mango and iQiyi; UGC social apps such as Zhihu; Knowledge apps such as Youdao and Youdao Cloud Notes; Photo editing apps such as Meitu Xiuxiu; Travel apps such as Gaode Map, Ctrip, and Tongcheng, etc.

Lock Screen Advertising

The implementation of lock screen advertising is relatively more complex, requiring a background service to listen to the system’s boot, unlock, lock screen, and other broadcasts to replace the system’s lock screen interface with advertising content. It also uses the notification bar, desktop widgets as advertising spaces, but all require the user to apply for authorization to disturb the user. With the update of the Android system, the management of background resident tasks will only be more stringent. Compared with other forms of advertising, such as TV and outdoor advertising, lock screen advertising has a lower cost and is easy to measure the effect, so it is favored by advertisers.

Chinese users spend a long time on the mobile Internet every day on average, and frequent lock and unlock operations increase the exposure opportunities of lock screen advertising. Chinese users have a relatively high acceptance of lock screen advertising, especially when it can provide some instant information or small rewards.

Foreign Google Play has strict policy constraints, in addition to applications specifically developed for the lock screen function, other applications are not allowed to provide advertising or features that profit through the device’s lock screen. Therefore, lock screen advertising is not common abroad.

When advertisers place lock screen advertising, they need to pay attention to designing simple and attractive advertising content to ensure that users can quickly grab attention before unlocking. At the same time, avoid designing advertisements that are too cumbersome or interfere with normal use, and control the frequency of advertising display to avoid causing user dissatisfaction.

Email Advertising

This article will also examine some advertising phenomena that have caused a sensation on the international stage but have not yet had a significant impact in China. Among them, email advertising, which is a favorite of foreign advertisers, finds it difficult to win the market in China for the following reasons:

Photo by Hack Capital on Unsplash

The popularity of social media

In China, social media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, QQ, Xiaohongshu, and others are very popular. People are more inclined to use these platforms for communication and to receive information, rather than email.

E-commerce Ecology

China’s e-commerce ecosystem has developed rapidly, and consumers are more accustomed to receiving promotional information directly through online shopping platforms, which usually appear in the form of app push notifications or text messages.

Advertising Regulations

China’s internet advertising regulations have strict stipulations for email advertising, requiring senders to comply with relevant laws and regulations, which increases the operational cost and compliance requirements of email advertising.

User Habits

Chinese users generally rely less on email, and many may not check their mailboxes frequently, resulting in relatively lower open and conversion rates for email advertising.

Mobile First

Most of China’s internet users spend their time on mobile devices, and the email client experience on mobile devices is usually not as good as on PC, which also reduces the frequency of users receiving advertising through email.

Therefore, for advertisers, from the perspective of interactive effects, SMS advertising and mobile advertising in China can perfectly replace email advertising.




Interpretation of Advertising Monitoring Indicators in China

Interpretation of Advertising Monitoring Indicators in China


发布时间:2024-07-29   作者:

Advertising effectiveness monitoring indicators are crucial for advertisers to determine the effectiveness of advertisements and how to optimize them. The commonly used advertising monitoring indicators by Chinese advertisers mainly include four major categories: traffic indicators, interaction indicators, conversion indicators, and cost indicators.

Traffic Indicators

Ad Impressions

The total number of times an advertisement is displayed on a specific website within a designated time period. High exposure means the advertisement has a wide reach, but it is also important to avoid ineffective exposures. This indicator cannot measure whether users have actually seen the advertisement, as it can be affected by factors such as page scroll speed, which affects the visibility of the advertisement.

Unique Impressions

Unique impressions refer to the number of exposures after excluding multiple exposures by the same user, which is mainly achieved by excluding duplicate cookies.

Calculating the ratio of ad impressions to unique impressions (Impression/Unique Impression) is one of the simple ways to identify ad fraud. A high ratio indicates that some users are repeatedly visiting in large numbers, suggesting that the website may have abnormal traffic and is suspected of having machine-generated traffic.

Viewable Impressions

Viewable impressions are based on the visibility of the advertisement. The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) stipulates: For PC-side image advertisements, 50% of the pixels are displayed for more than 1 second, and for PC-side video advertisements, 50% of the pixels are displayed for more than 2 seconds, which can be considered viewable impressions. Additionally, for larger ad formats, 30% of the pixels displayed for more than 1 second can be considered 1 viewable impression.

The internet advertising pricing model related to this indicator is CPMv (cost per mille viewable impression), which is the cost for a thousand viewable impressions. The new CPM selling method used by Tencent mentioned earlier is CPMv. This selling method excludes data for advertisements that have not been actually watched, which can ensure the fairness, authenticity, and effectiveness of advertising transactions to a certain extent, help advertisers improve advertising effectiveness, save advertising budgets wasted on poor media resources or content, and improve ROI, thus being welcomed by advertisers.


Clicks are the metrics used to measure user behavior after ad exposure. Clicks are the key actions that link front-end advertisements with back-end landing pages, reflecting the audience’s interest in the advertisement. Factors affecting clicks include two aspects: first, the accuracy of ad placement, and second, the quality of ad creativity.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The ratio of clicks to impressions (Click/Impression), the click-through rate allows for a horizontal comparison of the effectiveness of different advertisements and is the most direct and persuasive quantitative indicator reflecting the effectiveness of online advertising. Factors affecting the click-through rate include: the number of impressions, which only becomes relatively stable after reaching a certain quantity, objectively reflecting the effectiveness of the advertisement; the accuracy of ad placement, the higher the proportion of the target consumer group reached, the higher the click-through rate; the attractiveness of ad creativity, the stronger the visual impact and the more attractive the content, the higher the click-through rate.

Page Views (PV)

Page views are a commonly used indicator for website traffic statistics. A request from the user’s end to open a page is considered one page view. Page views are one of the commonly used traffic indicators for monitoring ad landing pages. To a certain extent, they can reflect the degree to which the interests and desires of the ad audience are stimulated and can reflect a certain advertising effect.


Visits are commonly used in website traffic analysis to describe a series of user behaviors within a certain period of time or in the process of achieving a certain goal. The mainstream view is that visits refer to the number of times users visit a website.

Visits can be used for the calculation of CPV (Cost Per Visit), which is the cost per visit. In practical applications, it is rarely used as a billing method in settlements between media and advertisers, but rather as an indicator for advertisers to measure the ROI of marketing activities.

Unique Visitors (UV)

Unique visitors are used to measure the number of website visitors. According to the “China Mobile Internet Advertising Standards,” a device visiting a website within a specified time period is counted as one visitor, and the same device will only be counted once within the specified time period.

Compared with other traffic indicators, unique visitors are centered on a user as a measure, which can help advertisers more accurately identify the audience affected by advertising activities, and can also be used to identify simple traffic fraud. Unique visitors can be used for CPUV (Cost Per Unique Visitor), which is the cost per unique visitor. However, like CPV, it is often not used as a billing method in advertising transactions between advertisers and media, but rather as an ROI indicator set by advertisers according to the goals of the advertising campaign.

Interaction Indicators

Traffic indicators describe the arrival of users for advertisements and landing pages, while interaction indicators describe the depth of user participation. Compared with traffic indicators, the standardization of interaction indicators is relatively low.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate refers to the ratio of users who, after clicking on an advertisement and entering the advertiser’s promoted page, do not generate further clicks and choose to leave directly. In internet marketing, the bounce rate can be used to measure the quality of external traffic and the attractiveness of website content to the audience. The higher the quality of external traffic and the more accurate the front-end advertising, the more target users can be attracted, and the lower the bounce rate of users after entering the website.

2nd-Click Rate

When a first-level website page is clicked and opened, any additional clicks generated by the user on the page are called “2nd-clicks,” and the number of 2nd-clicks is referred to as “2nd-click volume.” The ratio of “2nd-click volume” to page views is called the page’s “2nd-click rate.”

Visit Depth (PV/V)

Visit depth (PV/V) is an average number, referring to the number of times a specific web page is exposed to a visitor during a single visit, calculated as page views divided by visits. The higher the visit depth, the more pages a visitor browses in one visit, the more information they get, and the greater the value of these visits to advertisers.

Visit Duration

Visit duration (Time on Site) is also an average number, a measure of the length of visits, specifically the average time spent per visit, calculated as total visit time divided by visits. Theoretically, the longer the visit duration, the better the interactive effect of the advertisement.

Conversion Indicators

Conversion indicators are the most valuable category of indicators for businesses as they directly reflect the benefits that advertising activities bring to the enterprise, and thus are increasingly valued by advertisers.

Photo by Oliur on Unsplash

Conversion rate refers to the ratio of the number of times users complete specific actions (such as purchases, registrations, etc.) to the number of clicks, and is a key indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of advertisements. Specific actions for conversion include:

Sales-related conversion indicators

Offline: The number of store visits

Online: The number of orders placed and purchases completed

App-related conversion indicators


Active users

Registrations Users


In-app purchases

Cost Indicators

Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Refers to the cost per thousand impressions when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Refers to the cost per click when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

Cost Per Conversion (CPA)

Refers to the cost per conversion action when advertising is placed, reflecting the cost of advertising placement.

Advertising Monitoring Fields

The following are fields involved in the advertising monitoring process in China, covering data from multiple aspects such as users, devices, advertising activities, geographic locations, and network environments. Through the analysis of these data, advertisers can comprehensively understand the display, click-through, and conversion effects of advertisements, optimize advertising placement strategies, and improve the ROI (Return on Investment) of advertisements.

Field Name

Data Format





Unique identifier for the user

Used to distinguish different users



Type of user identifier, such as device ID, email

Helps to understand the source of user_id



Request time, records the timestamp of the user’s ad request

Used to analyze user behavior and ad display timeliness



User’s IP address

Used for geographical analysis and user identity verification



Cookie data from the user’s browser

Used to track user’s online activities and ad effectiveness



Traffic source

Identifies the channel or platform the ad traffic comes from



Unique identifier for the ad campaign

Used to distinguish and analyze different ad campaigns



Order ID

Used to track transactions and conversions related to the ad



Target URL of the ad display or click

Used to analyze ad effectiveness and user behavior



Operating system information of the user’s device

Used for device and platform compatibility analysis



IP address of the ad server

Used to track the source of ad requests



Advertising identifier for iOS devices

Used for mobile ad tracking



MD5 encrypted form of IDFA

Used for privacy protection and data matching



SHA1 encrypted form of IDFA

Used for privacy protection and data matching



International Mobile Equipment Identity for Android devices

Used for device identification



MD5 encrypted form of IMEI

Used for privacy protection and data matching



SHA1 encrypted form of IMEI

Used for privacy protection and data matching



Unique identifier for Android devices

Used for device identification



MD5 encrypted form of Android ID

Used for privacy protection and data matching



SHA1 encrypted form of Android ID

Used for privacy protection and data matching



MD5 encrypted form of device MAC address

Used for device identification and privacy protection



Advertising identifier for Android devices

Used for ad tracking



Timestamp of the ad event

Used to accurately record the time of ad display and click



Open Advertising Identifier

Used to replace traditional device identifiers and enhance privacy protection



Callback URL

Used for server-to-server notifications and data transmission after ad click



User agent string of the user’s browser

Used to identify device and browser information



Device brand information

Used for market analysis and device performance evaluation



Network type, such as WiFi, 4G

Used to analyze the network environment of the ad display



Content site

Identifies the specific site or app location where the ad is displayed



Ad type, such as display ad, video ad, etc.

Used for categorization and effectiveness analysis



Extension field

Used for storing other custom data



Open Unique Device Identifier

Used for device identification and ad tracking



Ad plan ID

Used to distinguish and manage different ad plans



Ad serving platform, such as mobile, PC, etc.

Used to distinguish the platform where the ad is served



Publisher ID

Used to distinguish different ad publishers



Type of ad placement, e.g., banner ads, interstitial ads

Used for classification and performance analysis



Ad placement ID to distinguish different ad display positions

Used to distinguish different ad display positions



Province ID for geographical analysis

Used for geographical analysis



City ID for geographical analysis

Used for geographical analysis



County ID for more detailed geographical analysis

Used for more detailed geographical analysis



Type of traffic, e.g., organic traffic, paid traffic

Used for traffic quality analysis



Ad Exchange Platform ID

Used to distinguish and manage different ad exchange platforms.



App Package Name

Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



Main Domain

Used for analyzing the domain source of ad display



Number of Ad Requests

Used for statistics and analysis of ad request volume



Log Type, such as display log, click log, etc.

Used for classification and analysis



Sub-Customer ID

Used for multi-level customer management and analysis



Session ID

Used for tracking a user’s single visit behavior



Order Type, such as purchase, registration, etc.

Used for conversion analysis.



Creative ID

Used to distinguish and manage different ad creatives



App ID

Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



App Name

Used for identifying and analyzing different mobile applications



Reference URL

Used for analyzing traffic sources



Creative Type, such as images, videos, etc.

Used for classification and performance analysis



General ID

Used to identify the uniqueness of the record




Used to distinguish and manage different ads



Customer ID

Used to distinguish and manage different ad customers



Device Name

Used for device identification and analysis



Browser Name

Used for identifying the browser used by the user



Business Date

Used for statistics and analysis by date



Business Hour

Used for statistics and analysis by hour



Data Source

Used to distinguish and analyze different data collection channels

In the area of advertising monitoring, some fields may be more commonly seen in the Chinese internet environment, mainly due to China’s unique advertising technology standards, device identifiers, and certain characteristics of some application markets:

oaid: Open Advertising Identifier, a device identifier introduced by Chinese device manufacturers to replace traditional identifiers and enhance privacy protection.

android_id: In China, many devices and advertising networks rely on this identifier.

open_udid: Open Unique Device Identifier, which is quite common on some Chinese advertising platforms and applications.

mac_md5: Although used globally, in the Chinese market, this field is often used for device identification.

imei, imei_md5, imei_sha1: IMEI is globally universal, but in China, especially in early advertising monitoring, it is common to see the use of IMEI and its encrypted forms.

idfa, idfa_md5, idfa_sha1: Although IDFA is a global standard for Apple devices, it is also frequently used in iOS advertising tracking in China.

ad_timestamp: The timestamp of the advertising event, universally used globally, but the format and specific implementation may vary by region.

app_package: The application package name, used to identify applications in China’s unique app markets.

app_name: The application name, which often appears in Chinese advertising monitoring to identify specific applications.

province_id, city_id, county_id: These geographical location identifiers are especially common in Chinese advertising monitoring, used for fine-grained regional analysis.

bizdate, bizhour: Fields used for statistics by date and hour, frequently used in Chinese advertising reports and analysis.

adzone_id, adzone_type: The type and ID of the advertising space, these fields are very common on Chinese advertising platforms for ad space management and analysis.

How to Read Advertising Monitoring Reports

Compare Data

Compare data from different time periods, platforms, and ad formats to identify areas of excellent performance and areas that need improvement.

Pay Attention to Trends

Observe the trends in data changes to predict future development trends, providing a basis for adjusting advertising strategies.

Deep Dive

For data that performs poorly, delve deeper into the underlying reasons, such as whether the advertising content, target audience, and placement platform are appropriate.

How to Use Advertising Monitoring Data to Optimize Advertising Strategies

Adjust Advertising Content

Based on user feedback and data analysis, optimize advertising copy, images, videos, and other elements to improve the attractiveness and conversion rate of advertisements.

Precisely Target the Audience

Understand the interests, needs, and behavioral habits of the target audience through data analysis to formulate more precise advertising placement strategies.

Optimize Placement Platforms and Timing

Choose more suitable advertisingplatforms and time slots based on data performance to increase the exposure and click-through rate of advertisements.

Control Advertising Budget

Allocate the advertising budget reasonably according to ROI and advertising effects to ensure the maximization of the input-output ratio.

Advertising monitoring reports are not only a set of data reports but also a valuable marketing guide. By deeply analyzing advertising monitoring data, we can better understand the performance of advertising activities, identify optimization space, and enhance advertising effectiveness.


