
Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




Time management examples and tips

What Is Time Management?

Working Smarter to Enhance Productivity


By the Mind Tools Content Team

Key Takeaways:

  • Effective time management involves dedicating the right amounts of time to the most important things.
  • It takes good decision making and careful organization, then strong self-management to put your plans into action.
  • To improve your time management, develop your skills of prioritization, scheduling, goal setting, and concentration.
  • There are also plenty of time-management tools available to help you use your time more efficiently, productively and enjoyably.

Do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day?

We all get the same 24 hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others? The answer: good time management.

Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities. Get it right, and you’ll end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done in less time – even when time is tight and pressures are high.

The highest achievers manage their time exceptionally well. And by using Mind Tools’ time-management resources, you too can make the most of your time – starting right now!

Time Management and Productivity

When you know how to manage your time effectively, you can unlock many benefits. These include:

  • Greater productivity and efficiency.
  • Less stress.
  • A better professional reputation.
  • Increased chances of advancement.
  • More opportunities to achieve your life and career goals.

Overall, you start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time.

And by feeling happier, more relaxed, and better able to think, you’re in a great place to help others reach their targets, too.

How to Improve Your Time-Management Skills

Start by assessing your existing approach. How good are you at organizing your time so that you get the important things done well? Can you balance your time between different activities? And when you do make time to do something, are you able to focus – and get it finished?

Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, will show you what you’re getting right, as well as highlight where – and how – you can improve.


Good time management takes a shift in focus from activities to results. Being busy isn’t the same as being effective. In fact, for many people, the busier they are, the less they actually achieve.

General Time-Management Tools

Mind Tools has a range of resources designed to improve your time management overall. These offer practical solutions to common time-management challenges, as well as ways to change key habits for the better.

How to Be More Organized explains why your environment needs to be as organized as your thinking! There are practical tips from highly organized people, plus ideas for using technology to take more control of your time.

And, since good time management relies on planning, recording and reflecting on your activities, we explain some of the best-known tools for doing this, including Activity Logs, To-Do Lists and Action Programs.


You can achieve more when you start dedicating time to the right things. But how do you know what those things are?

Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle is a way to distinguish between demands, so that you prioritize them wisely.

The Action Priority Matrix includes a downloadable worksheet for exploring how much time to give to different activities (if you should be doing them at all!).

And our article, Managing Conflicting Priorities, explains what to do if priorities clash.


You may know what you need to do – but when should you do it? Timing is everything.

It pays to get tough tasks done while you’re still feeling fresh, for example, as we explain in Is This a “Morning” Task?

And you can boost your efficiency, gain people’s trust, and use adrenaline to your advantage, by reading How to Meet a Deadline.

Goal Setting

The most successful “time managers” have clear targets to aim for. They develop SMART Goals, allowing them to allocate their time effectively.

Treasure Mapping is a powerful way to see your goals clearly – so that you’re motivated to give them the time they need. Personal Mission Statements are also helpful for being organized and staying committed to your plans.

Concentration and Focus

It’s no good just making the time to pursue your priorities. You have to use that time well, too. We have a collection of resources devoted to doing just that, including advice on minimizing distractions, and getting into a focused state of “flow.”

There’s also detailed guidance on using your time well when you’re working from home, and when you’re doing your job on the move.

Help With Better Time Management

Even with the best intentions, and plenty of powerful tactics, it’s all too easy to fall back into bad time-management habits. So Mind Tools offers a number of resources that will help you to stay on track.

How to Stop Procrastinating, for example, explains why it’s so tempting to put things off – and how to stop doing it.

9 Ways to Use Your Dead Time Wisely makes sure that you don’t waste a moment.

And in Self-Discipline we explore the core skills you’ll need to embed long-lasting time-management techniques.

Quick Tips for Time Management

The resources mentioned above cover a wide range of tried and true time management strategies. But if you need a few quick pointers, here’s a list of 10 practical time management tips:

  • Prioritize Your Tasks: Differentiate between what’s important and urgent, versus what’s not. Focus on tasks that are both important and urgent first.
  • Use Tools and Apps: Utilize productivity tools and apps to help manage your tasks, schedule your day, set reminders, etc.
  • Set SMART Goals: Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This provides clear direction and makes tasks more manageable.
  • Time Blocking: Dedicate specific blocks of time to different tasks or types of work throughout your day. This can help reduce context switching and improve focus.
  • Delegate When Possible: If there are tasks that can be done by someone else, delegate them. This allows you to focus on the tasks that require your specific skillset.
  • Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking often leads to mistakes and decreased productivity. Instead, focus on one task at a time until it’s completed.
  • Create a Structured Daily Routine: Having a set routine can help ensure that you’re making the most of your day and not wasting time deciding what to do next.
  • Minimize Interruptions: Try to create an environment where you’re not constantly being interrupted. This might involve setting office hours, using “do not disturb” mode on your phone, or setting boundaries with colleagues.
  • Take Care of Your Health: Remember to get regular exercise, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. These factors can have a significant impact on your energy levels and overall productivity.
  • Regularly Review and Reflect on Your Work: Take time at the end of each week to review what you’ve accomplished and identify any challenges you faced. This can help you continually improve your productivity strategies and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming week. This process of self-reflection can help you identify time sinks, and efficiency gaps, or prioritize tasks better for future planning.

Remember, different strategies work for different people. It can be helpful to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is time management and why is it important? Time management is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time between different tasks and activities. It allows you to work smarter, not harder, leading to greater productivity and reduced stress.

How can I assess my current time management skills? Our quiz, How Good Is Your Time Management, can provide insights into areas you excel in and where you may need improvement.

Is being busy the same as being productive? No. Good time management is about shifting focus from mere activities to actual results. It’s possible to be busy and still not achieve meaningful outcomes.

What tools I can use to improve my time management? Some tools to help you manage your time better include Activity Logs, To-Do Lists, and Action Programs.

How do I prioritize tasks when everything seems important? Eisenhower’s Urgent/Important Principle can help you to categorize and prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

How can I minimize distractions and maintain focus? Create an environment free from unnecessary distractions. This might include setting boundaries with colleagues, using “do not disturb” modes on electronic devices, and committing to a single task rather than multitasking. It’s also beneficial to understand your peak productivity times during the day and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.

Key Points

Time management means organizing your time intelligently – so that you use it more effectively.

The benefits of good time management include:

  • Greater productivity.
  • Less stress.
  • More opportunities to do the things that matter.

Mind Tools offers a wealth of resources to improve your time-management skills. They can help you to:

  • Be more organized.
  • To prioritize better.
  • To schedule tasks appropriately – and complete them in a focused and efficient way.

Our resources also explain how to use clear goals to guide your time management, helping you to stay motivated and disciplined.

And there’s advice on overcoming common time-management challenges, so that you keep improving your approach – and using your time to the full!




#10 Classification and Introduction of Chinese Demand-Side Platforms

Demand-side platforms provide services for brand advertisers or ad agencies, acting as an automated online advertising purchasing system known as DSP (Demand-Side Platform). DSPs enable advertisers or ad agencies to programmatically select targeted traffic and purchase ad spaces, control budgets, and optimize advertising strategies in real-time. As an integral part of digital marketing and programmatic advertising, DSP platforms offer advertisers an efficient and intelligent way to deploy ads.

Classification of Chinese DSP Platforms and Corresponding Suppliers

Analysis of Entrants

Ad agencies or ad networks transitioning into DSPs: With a wealth of advertiser resources, these companies can directly integrate into the DSP landscape. Their entry can involve building a technical team to develop a DSP, purchasing a DSP technology solution for private deployment, or acquiring a DSP company outright, with representatives such as HaoYe and others.

Ad Exchange or SSP companies expanding into DSPs

These companies, with significant traffic resources, aim to connect directly with advertiser resources. Leveraging existing technical capabilities, they typically develop a DSP in-house, with representatives including Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Youku, and more.

Pure-tech companies entering DSPs

Originating from a technical background, these companies have entered the programmatic advertising field rapidly, using their technological edge. Representatives include YOYI Technology and others.

Large-budget advertisers building their DSPs

With ample advertising budgets, these advertisers seek to efficiently utilize their proprietary data to enhance campaign performance and gain transparency over traffic. Their approach can range from developing a technical team for DSP creation to purchasing technology solutions for private DSP deployment. The YOYI Plus team offers a DMP+DSP model, providing large-budget advertisers with a solution for the efficient use of first-party data and transparent execution of programmatic advertising.

DSP Types in China

Based on the resources connected and the target of service, DSPs can be further classified into Pure Web DSPs, Mobile DSPs, Cross-screen DSPs, and DSP+.

Pure Web DSPs

Focus on web traffic and services for web-oriented clients, evolving towards cross-screen DSP capabilities.

Mobile DSPs

Concentrate on mobile traffic and advertisers targeting mobile users.

Cross-screen DSPs

A hybrid of PC and mobile DSPs, offering inventory across multiple screens, including computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. YOYI Plus is a leading cross-screen DSP in China with Mobile, PC, OTT, and CTV inventories in hand.


Encompasses various specializations such as DSP+advertiser types (e.g., performance DSPs, brand DSPs), DSP+vertical industries (e.g., financial DSPs, e-commerce DSPs), DSP+resource types (e.g., video DSPs). However, performance DSPs now generally serve brand clients as well, making pure performance DSPs rare.

Depending on the background of the DSP owner, such as owning proprietary media or being an advertiser themselves, DSPs can be categorized as follows.

Third-Party Independent DSPs

DSP platforms that bid on traffic from various Ad Exchanges/SSPs. Notable examples include YOYI TECH, FancyDigital, WiseMedia, Domob, etc..

Large Media Proprietary DSPs

Private DSPs are built by large media companies with their traffic. Examples include Tencent DSP, Sina DSP, Youku DSP, Toutiao DSP, etc. These DSPs have competitive advantages due to their unique traffic resources but may face challenges when advertisers seek cross-media frequency control for multi-media campaigns.

Advertiser Proprietary DSPs

Large advertisers, due to the privacy of their business data, cannot apply it to third-party DSP platforms. To activate this data, some advertisers opt to build their DSPs, using their technology and business data for ad deployment, achieving self-operation. Examples include Ctrip DSP, NetEase DSP, etc.

DSPs with Unique DMP Data

Companies like UnionPay with POS transaction data, and Opsmart Technology, with data from large offline traffic scenarios, use DSPs for monetization. These companies are relatively neutral in ad traffic and create value for advertisers through unique data, which is their core driving force.

Trading Desk (TD)

A Trading Desk, similar to a DSP, provides an integrated technical solution for managing multiple DSP platforms. Advertisers can manage campaigns across various DSPs through a TD, including budget allocation, strategy adjustment, and performance reporting. TDs typically serve brand advertisers who often advertise across multiple DSP suppliers, involving overall budgeting, frequency control, and unified campaign management.

TDs can be categorized into Agency Trading Desks (ATDs), Independent Trading Desks (ITDs), and Brand Trading Desks (BTDs).

Agency Trading Desks (ATDs)

Trading desks within 4A agencies serving multiple brand advertisers, such as Xaxis, Accuen, AOD, and Changrong.

Independent Trading Desks (ITDs)

Similar to ATDs they serve multiple ad agencies or direct clients, like YOYI OneDesk, Chinapex, and Fuge.

Brand Trading Desks (BTDs)

Trading desks are built in-house by advertisers or with technology providers for internal use, such as the Yili Trading Desk.

Selection and Evaluation Criteria for Chinese DSP Suppliers

Before advertising deployment, it’s crucial to select and evaluate DSP suppliers effectively. A good supplier can make advertising efforts much more effective, while a poor choice can lead to inefficiencies and potential fraud.

Key considerations when choosing a DSP include traffic, performance, product, service, and pricing. Traffic refers to media resources, performance is tied to technical capabilities, data strength, and algorithmic prowess. The product backend focuses on the ad deployment and management interface. Service is related to the company’s background and service capabilities, while pricing models determine the cost-effectiveness of the DSP. Advertisers can assign different weights to these factors, score them, and ultimately select a DSP with strong comprehensive capabilities as a partner.

●Media Resources: The advantages of DSP media resources, including featured media, ad types, and volume.

●Technical Capabilities: Including DSP functional modules and hardware equipment. Functional modules assess precise targeting capabilities and technical highlights; hardware equipment refers to data center and server resources, verifying the DSP’s authenticity.

●Data Strength: Measures whether the DSP has sufficient data to support precise ad deployment, either from its data or third-party DMP data.

●Algorithmic Capabilities: Examines whether the DSP has an algorithmic optimization model to automatically adjust and optimize ads, reducing manual workload while ensuring campaign effectiveness.

●Product Backend: Evaluates the completeness, maturity, stability, and usability of the DSP’s ad deployment backend.

●Company Background: Provides an overview of the DSP company to assess reliability, including company introduction, team members, awards, patents, and the ability to serve major clients.

●Service Capabilities: Assesses the professionalism (including data analysis, reporting, and emergency service capabilities) and stability of the DSP execution team.

●Pricing Models: Media pricing, service fees, and pricing transparency are also critical for advertiser evaluation.

YOYI Plus, as a leading DSP in China, has cross-screen delivery capabilities for various traffic terminals including PC, mobile, OTT, and CTV, covering over 80% of media traffic in China. With robust audience data and tagging capabilities, it helps brands acquire precise public domain advertising traffic more efficiently, enhancing brand exposure and ad interaction effects.


#11 The Landscape of Advertising in China: Media, Industries, and Agencies

Driven by the digital wave, China’s advertising market has shown a diversified development trend. From traditional television and radio to modern internet platforms, various media provide publicity and promotional services for different industries. At the same time, various advertising agencies play an important role in the market, providing customized marketing solutions for brands.

Television Advertising and Its Primary Industries

Television advertising has always been an important choice for advertisers due to its extensive coverage and strong visual experience. It combines visual images, colors, and movements to create a deep impression, effectively displaying product features and establishing an emotional connection with the audience. Especially for seasonal products and urgent promotions, the immediate dissemination capability of television advertising is crucial.

The main industries of television advertisers include the food industry (such as health care products, snacks, and cooking oil), the beverage industry (such as infant formula, UHT milk, tea, and yogurt), the commercial and service industry (such as healthcare institutions and retailers), and the personal goods industry (such as glasses/contact lenses, men’s razors, watches, and cleaning products). These industries not only enhance brand awareness and memorability through television advertising but also increase the brand’s authority and trustworthiness.

Outdoor Advertising and Its Primary Industries

Outdoor advertising, with its 24-hour long-term exposure and wide visibility, covers densely populated areas, ensuring that brand messages are seen by a large number of people. Outdoor advertising has strong geographical targeting, precisely attracting the target audience in business districts or communities. Compared with television and online advertising, outdoor advertising has a strong visual impact, high cost-effectiveness, and helps in long-term brand reinforcement.

The main industries of outdoor advertisers include the beverage industry (such as mineral water, fruit and vegetable juice, and yogurt), the food industry (such as snacks, series of food products, and health care products), the cosmetics/bathroom products industry (such as skincare products, baby hygiene and bathroom products, and oral care products), the home appliance industry (such as home appliances and smart appliances), and the alcoholic beverage industry (such as Chinese meals wine, medicinal wine/tonic wine, and fruit wine). Outdoor advertising, integrated with technology, can provide interactive experiences, establish emotional connections, and enhance market coverage.

Radio Advertising and Its Primary Industries

Radio advertising attracts a mobile audience, such as drivers and commuters, with its extensive coverage and immediacy. It is cost-effective, especially suitable for small businesses, and has the flexibility to respond quickly to market changes. Localized radio can penetrate specific communities, and the emotional connection between program hosts and listeners enhances the trust in advertisements.

The main industries of radio advertisers include the food industry (such as health care products, corporate image of food, and condiments), the entertainment and leisure industry (such as scenic spots, national and city image, restaurants, tourism product service organizations, and hotels), the commercial and service industry (such as education/training categories), and other industries (such as home decoration, e-commerce brands, drugs, post and telecommunications, and alcoholic beverages). The high frequency of contact and multitasking advantages of radio make brand messages frequently and naturally blend into daily life.

Internet Advertising and Its Primary Industries

Internet advertising stands out for its target accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and measurability. It allows brands to finely target based on user characteristics, covering the vast user base of the internet. The flexibility and customization of Internet advertising allow brands to quickly respond to market changes, and interactive elements such as links and social media increase user participation.

The main industries of internet advertisers include IT products and office automation services (such as WeChat Work, DingTalk, etc.), major e-commerce/internet/video platforms (such as Taobao, TikTok, iQiyi, and other brands), the transportation industry (such as online car-hailing, carpooling, etc.), the financial industry (such as major banks, funds, and stock agency organizations), post and telecommunications (such as mobile phones, broadband packages, etc.), entertainment and leisure activities (such as exhibitions, performances, etc.), as well as the real estate/construction industry, industrial goods, and the alcoholic beverage industry. The multi-platform placement ability and creative freedom of Internet advertising provide brands with a variety of promotional methods.

Introduction to Advertising Agencies in the Chinese Market

Advertising agencies act as a bridge connecting advertisers and media channels, providing professional advertising placement and marketing services. Based on the content and characteristics of the services, advertising agencies can be divided into the following categories.

4A Creative Agencies

Focus on creating innovative and impactful advertising content, such as visual design, advertising copy, and brand stories. For example, Ogilvy, Accuen, and Angis, etc.

Media Agencies

Responsible for media planning and purchasing, helping brands effectively place advertisements on various media channels. Services include media strategy development, market analysis, media negotiation and purchasing, ad placement, and effectiveness evaluation.

PR Agencies

Focus on shaping and maintaining brand images, and communicating with the public through media relations, event marketing, and crisis management. Services include press release writing, media interview arrangements, brand spokesperson management, and crisis PR strategies.

Digital Agencies

Focus on digital marketing and online advertising, including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), and social media marketing. Services include website design, content marketing, email marketing, data analysis, and digital ad placement.

Entertainment Marketing Agencies

Combine entertainment industry resources, such as movies, TV, music, and sports, to create joint marketing opportunities for brands. Provide entertainment marketing solutions such as brand implantation, event sponsorship, celebrity endorsements, and content cooperation.

Media Communication Agencies

Focus on disseminating brand information through various media channels, which may include online and offline communication strategies. Services may involve ad placement, content distribution, media relationship establishment, and brand communication activities.

MCN Agencies

Multi-Channel Networks provide content management, business cooperation, and audience growth support for video and social media content creators. Services include content creative guidance, copyright management, brand cooperation opportunities, audience analysis, and revenue optimization services.

Social Media Marketing Agencies

Focus on helping brands establish and maintain a social image on social media platforms. Services include social media account management, content creation, audience interaction, ad placement, and social media strategy development.


12 Introduction to AdX and SSP in China


Ad Exchange platforms (AdX) integrate advertising resources and networks, facilitating the sale of advertising space through various transaction methods, including programmatic direct buying, preferred deals, and real-time bidding. DSPs can interface with AdX to purchase media ad impressions transparently through different transaction methods, accurately targeting audiences to improve advertising ROI. Theoretically, the role of a Supply-Side Platform (SSP) is to connect with media and then to AdX. However, since the functionality of SSPs is now essentially the same as AdX, we can discuss Ad Exchange and SSP together under the term AdX.

Common Transaction Models of Domestic AdX

PDB (Programmatic Direct Buying):PDB is the preferred model for the highest quality advertising resources in media. These resources are often in high demand and sought after by advertisers. To secure these premium resources, advertisers typically negotiate a fixed price with the media in advance, reserving these spots exclusively. Unlike traditional advertising, PDB allows for audience targeting, but this targeting is limited to a few broad demographic dimensions.

PD (Preferred Deals):After the highest-quality resources are secured by major brands, there remains a pool of relatively high-quality resources with uncertain impressions. If an advertiser purchases these uncertain volumes at a negotiated price, this model is known as PD. The downside of PD is the uncertainty of resource allocation, but the advantage is that the advertiser does not have to commit to a certain volume of impressions and can target the specific audience they need, preventing waste of advertising resources.

RTB (Real Time Bidding):After the high-quality resources are purchased, there will always be some less desirable resources left that are not favored by advertisers. Media does not want to waste these long-tail and lower-quality resources, so they are put on the open market for smaller advertisers to bid on through RTB. The placement and pricing of these resources are uncertain and determined in realtime.

Comparison of AdX Transaction Models


Buying Method

Requires Advance Order

Display Priority

Guarantee Volume

Resource Quality

Resource Placement Reservation

Pricing and Volume Guarantee








Fixed price, fixed volume


Fixed CPM


After premium


Relatively good


Fixed price, no volume guarantee




Remaining traffic




No price or volume guarantee

Classification and Examples of Domestic AdX

AdX platforms are generally classified into public and private AdX based on their ownership of the main media resources.

Public AdX:Public AdX does not own media resources and acts as a typical intermediary matching buyers and sellers. The characteristics of these AdX include large traffic volume and low prices, but the quality of traffic is inconsistent, mainly consisting of long-tail traffic and a small amount of surplus traffic from top vertical media (media that have not established their own AdX).

Private AdX:These AdX platforms belong to major media owners and are centered around the resources of these media. Examples include the AdX of major portal media (Tencent, Sina, Sohu, etc.), video media (YouTube, IQIYI, LeTV, etc.), and emerging mobile media (Xiaomi, Momo, etc.). The traffic quality of these AdXsis relatively better since it is the media’s traffic, and the prices are slightly higher. Sometimes, to reduce the overall buying cost, these AdX may also introduce cheaper external media traffic in addition to their own.

AdX as a Key Gatekeeper in Advertising Review

In the advertising placement process, the review of advertising materials and the qualifications of advertisers is a key step that directly affects the efficiency of advertising placement, the quality of advertising, and the reliability of advertising information. The media that ultimately publishes the information is the responsible entity as stipulated by advertising law.

As the most centralized hub of advertising transactions, AdX has become the main gatekeeper for the review process. The review mainly involves the qualifications of advertisers, the upload and review of advertising materials, the review of advertiser qualifications and materials from the DSP side, and the review of advertiser qualifications and materials from the AdX side. Understanding the review entities should provide a basic understanding of whom to consult and appeal to in daily work practice.

KPIs Around AdX

These data indicators are seen from the perspective of AdX and may not be the same as what DSPs see due to network losses:

● Total available bid requests: Based on the total traffic of AdX, the total number of bid requestscan be sent to various DSPs, which isconsideredas the available inventory of AdX.

● Filtered request volume: After setting filtering conditions on the AdX self-service platform, the number of bid requests filtered by each DSP, such as filtering certain sizes or websites.

● Actual request sent: AdX will send the actual number of bid requests to each DSP based on the QPS limits set by the DSP on the AdX self-service platform. This indicator shows how much inventory the DSP can see, and AdX can also evaluate the consumption capacity of each DSP.

● Actual request rate: The ratio of the actual number of requests sent by AdX to each DSP to the total number of available bid requests. AdX can use this indicator to assess the consumption capacity of each DSP.

● Number of bids: The number of bids a DSP participates in.

● Bid participation rate: The proportion of the number of bids a DSP participatesininto the actual number of requests sent. AdX can use this indicator to assess the purchasing willingness of each DSP.

● Number of abandoned bids: The number of bids a DSP has abandoned as seen by AdX (actual request number – number of bids).

● Abandoned bid rate: The ratio of the number of abandoned bids a DSP has to the actual number of requests sent.

● Number of valid bids: The number of bids successfully responded to that meet the placement constraints (can be placed) for materials and advertisers.

● Number of invalid bids: The number of invalid bids due to reasons such as unreviewed advertiser qualifications, banned industries and categories, response timeout, parsing errors, etc. AdX can use this indicator to assess the technical and execution management capabilities of each DSP and assist in reducing this number.

● Response timeout count: The number of network failures or response timeouts (generally required <100ms) received from a DSP.

● Response timeout rate: The ratio of the response timeout count of a DSP to the actual number of requests sent. AdX can use this indicator to assess the technical capabilities of the DSP’s Bidder and network conditions.

● Parsing error count: The number of parsing failures caused by incorrect data packet formats returned by a DSP in the bidding process.

● Parsing error rate: The ratio of the parsing error count of a DSP’s returned package to the actual number of requests sent.

● Number of successful bids: The number of advertising exposure opportunities successfully won by a DSP.

● Bid success rate: The ratio of the number of successful bids a DSP has to the number of bids participated in.

● Number of failed bids: The number of bids a DSP did not win in the bidding process because the bid was not the highest (valid bid number – number of successful wins).

● Bid failure rate: The ratio of the number of failed bids a DSP has to the number of bids participated in.

● Traffic utilization rate: The ratio of the number of successful bids a DSP has to the actual number of requests sent.


#13 Introduction to China’s Advertising DMP

A DMP (Data Management Platform) can provide audience targeting for advertising campaigns through demographic labeling and establish user profiles based on campaign data. It manages these labels and facilitates retargeting, thereby helping advertisers or agencies review and optimize their advertising strategies more efficiently.

Classification of DMPs

Based on the ownership of the DMP platform, DMPs are categorized into first-party, second-party, and third-party DMPs.

● First-Party DMP: Refers to an internal DMP built by large advertisers themselves or with the help of external technology providers. It is used for analyzing and managing user data, providing decision support and user data support for marketing processes and is widely used in industries such as e-commerce, gaming, and travel.

● Second-Party DMP: Refers to a DMP built by demand-side service providers (usually DSPs) to assist advertisers in better campaign deployment, enhancing effectiveness while increasing the volume of placements, indirectly boosting the advertiser’s spending on the demand-side platform.

● Third-Party DMP: Refers to a DMP primarily engaged in data transactions, offering services such as data exchange and sales to demand-side entities. It typically requires integration with DSPs before being applied to advertising campaigns. If it involves PC data, a cookie mapping process is also necessary between the DSP and DMP.

Classification and Enumeration of Data Suppliers

There are numerous third-party data providers in the market. Here are some of the larger ones:

● BAT: Alibaba’s e-commerce data, Tencent’s social data, and Baidu’s search data. Generally, these data sources have relatively high barriers to access.

● Companies with a wealth of valuable offline data: It’s important to highlight offline data, as we live in the real world where online behavior may not truly reflect our intentions. For instance, a user browsing cars online may not necessarily intend to purchase, but a visit to a car dealership suggests a high likelihood of intent. Typical representatives include companies like Zhanhui Zongying, which holds real user activity data from airports, high-speed railways, and the automotive industry chain, and UnionPay Smart, which has offline transaction data from POS machines. Recently, these data-rich companies have been activating data monetization models, offering advertisers superior programmatic advertising solutions through self-built DSPs and unique DMPs.

● Third-party monitoring companies also hold a large amount of advertising campaign data due to the nature of their business. Typical representatives include companies like MiaoZhen and AdMaster; mobile representatives include TalkingData and Umeng.

● Media companies also provide demographic data services (such as gender, age,andinterests), but the coverage of a single media source is inherently limited.

● Traditional CRM technology service companies are also present, but integrating CRM data with online data has always been a challenging issue.

● DSP companies also possess some data, primarily sourced from advertising traffic. Advertising exchanges provide user and media information data such as the current media, position, and IP of the user’s advertisement to help DSPs make better bidding decisions based on user behavior. As a result, DSPs have accumulated a wealth of data based on this advertising traffic and their past advertising performance data. However, since this data is carried within the advertising traffic and much of the RTB traffic is “remnant traffic,” it has a certain degree of fragmentation and may not reflect the entirety of a user’s online behavior. Especially on mobile ADX, unlike PCs, it cannot provide the URL of each ad content page, only the App in which the user’s ad is displayed, and the latitude and longitude obtained is merely the user’s offline location when the App is opened to display the ad, which may not reflect the user’s entire movement trajectory. Therefore, such fragmented datamakes itdifficult to analyze and label user behavior as continuously and precisely as on the PC side.

Basic Functionality and Core Process of Data Sample Learning

The most fundamental function of a DMP is to collect various online and offline data through different means and channels. The types of data can be diverse, not limited to advertising campaign data but also including CRM, surveys, third-party, and other data sources. Advertisers focus on different aspects of data from different sources:

● ForFirst-Party DMPdata, advertisers are more concerned with the analytical capabilities of first-party data, such as consumer behavior analysis on official websites and offline, and media attribution analysis.

● ForSecond-Party DMPdata, advertisers are more concerned with the application of second-party data in advertising campaigns and the impact of media content and categorization on advertising efficiency.

● ForThird-Party DMPdata, advertisers focus more on the efficient output methods and connectivity and effectiveness of the data.

The basic functionality of a DMP mainly revolves around various stages such as data collection, cleansing, integration, management, analysis, and application.

Data collection, cleansing, integration, and management focus on aspects such as timeliness, accuracy, reliability, stability, scalability, and automation of data processing.

Data analysis and application focus on the mining of “people” and “patterns” within the data. Creating audience profiles, classifying and tagging data, and providing guidance for marketing and decision-making are key.


#14 Overview of China’s Advertising Verification Platforms

With the robust growth of China’s economy and the acceleration of digital transformation, China’s advertising market has become one of the most dynamic advertising ecosystems globally. However, the rapid development of the advertising industry has also brought many challenges, such as false traffic, brand safety issues, and data transparency. These issues not only harm the interests of advertisers but also impact the consumer experience. Therefore, advertising verification platforms have emerged in China, becoming key to ensuring the authenticity, effectiveness, and safety of advertising placements.

I. Classification of China’s Advertising Verification Platforms

Understanding the different types of advertising verification platforms helps advertisers better grasp their role in the market and strengthen their understanding of the ecosystem of China’s advertising market. Advertising verification platforms can be divided into the following types based on their main functions and services:

● Advertiser Verification Platforms:These platforms focus on verifying the identity, qualifications, and creditworthiness of advertisers to ensure their legality and integrity, preventing false advertising and fraudulent activities.

● Advertising Content Verification Platforms:These platforms are mainly used to verify the compliance and accuracy of advertising content, including whether the advertising involves false propaganda, misleading statements, or infringement.

● Traffic Verification Platforms:Traffic verification platforms focus on verifying the quality of traffic for advertising placements, ensuring that the traffic obtained by advertisers is genuine and effective, preventing traffic fraud and volume brushing behavior.

● Data Verification Platforms:These platforms provide data verification services to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the data used by advertisers and advertising platforms, such as audience data and click-through rate data.

● Programmatic Advertising Verification Platforms:These platforms combine programmatic advertising purchase technology to provide automated advertising verification services, helping advertisers and advertising platforms monitor and manage advertising activities in real time.

● Anti-Fraud Platforms:Focused on preventing advertising fraud, including click fraud, installation fraud, etc., identifying and blocking fraudulent traffic through technical means.

● Brand Safety Verification Platforms:These platforms focus on protecting the brand safety of advertisers to avoid ads appearing in inappropriate content or environments, such as bad content, pirated content, etc.

II. Examples of China’s Advertising Verification Platforms

Next, let’s look at some well-known advertising verification platforms in the Chinese market to intuitively feel the role and influence of these platforms.

● Alibaba’s Diamond Stand:Mainly used for verifying the effectiveness of advertising on the Taobao and Tmall platforms, ensuring the effectiveness and transparency of advertising placements.

● Baidu’s Baiqingteng:Provides monitoring and verification services for advertising placements, helping advertisers evaluate the effectiveness of advertising placements and optimize advertising strategies.

● Tencent’s Advertising Insights:Tencent’s advertising verification platform, is used to verify data such as advertising exposure, clicks, and conversions, enhancing the advertising placement effect for advertisers.

● Weibo Super Manager:An advertising management and performance monitoring platform launched by Weibo, helping advertisers monitor the effectiveness of advertising placements and conduct data analysis.

● JD Jingzhuntong:It has successfully passed the Traffic Anti-Fraud Project Evaluation CAF certificate issued by TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group, a U.S. advertising self-regulatory organization), becoming one of the first comprehensive advertising platforms in China to obtain this certification.

These platforms help advertisers improve the transparency and effectiveness of advertising placements by providing professional verification services.

III. Features of China’s Advertising Verification Platforms

China’s advertising verification platforms have the following features in terms of functionality and characteristics:

● Data Transparency and Strong Monitoring Capabilities:These platforms can usually provide detailed data reports, including key indicators such as advertising exposure, clicks, conversion rates, etc., helping advertisers fully understand the effectiveness of advertising.

● Multi-platform Coverage:For different advertising placement platforms (such as Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent, Weibo, etc.), these platforms provide corresponding verification services with a wide coverage range.

● High Precision:Through big data analysis and artificial intelligence technology, these platforms can accurately evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, helping advertisers accurately optimize advertising strategies.

● Real-time Monitoring and Feedback:Able to monitor the effectiveness of advertising placements in real-time, providing timely feedback on data and analysis results, helping advertisers adjust advertising strategies and improve the effectiveness of advertising placements.

● Compliance and Security:These platforms can usually ensure the compliance of advertising placements, protect user privacy and data security, and comply with relevant laws and regulations.

IV. The Operation Logic of China’s Advertising Verification

(1)Advertising Content Review

● Keyword Filtering:Advertising verification platforms filter keywords in advertising content to exclude illegal, illegal, or sensitive information.

● Image Recognition:Using image recognition technology, scan and analyze images in advertisements to identify any false or misleading content.

● Text Analysis:Through natural language processing technology, conduct an in-depth analysis of advertising copy to ensure its content is true, accurate, and complies with relevant laws, regulations, and ethical standards.

(2)Traffic Anti-Fraud

● Behavior Analysis:Advertising verification platforms analyze user clicks, browsing, and other behavioral data to identify abnormal traffic, such as clickbots, malicious brushing, and other fraudulent activities.

● Device Recognition:Use technical means such as device fingerprinting and IP addresses to identify abnormal access behavior under the same device or IP address.

● Data Cross-Verification:Cooperate with third-party data providers to cross-verify advertising data to ensure the authenticity of advertising displays and clicks.

(3)Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation

● Click-Through Rate Monitoring:Real-time monitoring of the click-through rate of advertisements, analyzing whether user clicks are genuine and effective.

● Conversion Rate Analysis:Track user behavior after clicking on advertisements, such as purchases, registrations, etc., to evaluate the conversion effect of advertisements.

● ROI Calculation:Calculate the return on investment (ROI) of advertisements based on advertising input and output data, providing decision support for advertisers.

(4)Compliance with Laws and Regulations

● Compliance Review:Advertising verification platforms conduct compliance reviews of advertising content to ensure that it complies with relevant laws, regulations, and advertising industry standards.

● Privacy Protection:Strictly comply with data protection laws and regulations during the verification process to ensure the privacy and data security of users.

(5) Technological Innovation and Application

AI Technology:The utilization of artificial intelligence technologies, including machine learning and deep learning, enhances the precision and efficiency of ad verification processes.

Big Data Analysis:Leveraging big data analytics to deeply mine and scrutinize advertising data, providing advertisers with more accurate ad placement recommendations.

(6) Continuous Optimization and Iteration

Feedback Mechanism:Establishing a feedback system to gather the suggestions and advice of advertisers and users, to continuously refine the functionality and services of the ad verification platform.

Technological Updates:Staying abreast of industry trends and technological advancements to ensure timely updates and optimization of the technological infrastructure and algorithmic models of the ad verification platform.

Taking JD Jingzhuntongas an example, the platform has not only provided comprehensive advertising services but has also achieved notable success in ad verification. It has successfully passed the certification for the Certified Against Fraud (CAF) project issued by TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group), an American advertising self-regulatory organization, becoming one of the first integrated advertising platforms in China to receive this certification. This signifies that JD Jingzhun Pass’s capabilities in preventing traffic fraud and illegal advertising activities in the digital advertising sector have gained recognition from an international authoritative body.

Chinese ad verification platforms play a crucial role in ensuring the authenticity of advertisements and improving their effectiveness. As technology continues to advance and market demands grow, these platforms will keep evolving and innovating, offering advertisers more comprehensive and precise services. Advertisers need to select the most suitable verification platform based on their specific needs and market changes to maximize the value of their ad placements.


#16 Overview of China’s Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms

In today’s era of information overload, advertising serves as a crucial bridge for communication between businesses and consumers, its significance is self-evident. With the acceleration of digital transformation, the forms and content of advertising have become increasingly diverse. How to effectively monitor and analyze the effectiveness of advertising has become a key link in corporate marketing strategies. Against this backdrop, China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms have emerged, providing businesses with comprehensive and accurate advertising effect evaluation and optimization suggestions. This article will explore the development status, main functions, application scenarios, and future trends of China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms.

01 Development Background of China’s Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms

In recent years, China’s internet advertising market has expanded, with advertising forms shifting from traditional media such as television, newspapers, and magazines to emerging media like the internet, mobile internet, and social media. The massive growth in advertising content and the diversification of forms have made it increasingly difficult for advertisers to assess the effectiveness of their ads accurately. There is an urgent need for professional tools to assist in decision-making. At the same time, consumer’s advertising acceptance and preferences are constantly changing. How to accurately reach the target audience and improve the conversion rate of advertising has become a focus for advertisers.

Against this backdrop, China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms have risen rapidly, relying on advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to provide advertisers with comprehensive, multi-dimensional advertising effect monitoring and analysis services. These platforms collect, organize, and analyze advertising data to help advertisers understand the actual performance of their ads, optimize advertising strategies, and enhance marketing effectiveness.

02 Main Functions of China’s Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms

The functions of China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms are rich and varied, covering aspects such as data collection, real-time monitoring, effect analysis, competitive product comparison, and audience analysis.

●Data Collection:Platforms collect advertising data from various media platforms through web crawling technology and API interfaces, including key indicators such as ad exposure, clicks, and conversion rates. They then clean and integrate this data into a set that can be analyzed.

●Real-Time Monitoring:Provides real-time monitoring services for advertising effects, allowing advertisers to view real-time data at any time, understand the current advertising placement effects, and adjust advertising strategies promptly.

●Effect Analysis:Through data analysis algorithms, it conducts in-depth analysis of advertising effects, including the efficiency of advertising placement, audience response, conversion paths, etc., helping advertisers to fully understand the actual performance of their ads.

●Competitive Product Comparison:Provides data monitoring and analysis services for competitive advertising, helping advertisers understand the advertising strategies of competitors and providing a reference for advertising optimization.

●Audience Analysis:Helps advertisers understand the characteristics and preferences of the target audience through user behavior data and portrait analysis, thereby formulating more precise advertising strategies.

03 Application Scenarios of China’s Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms

China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms are widely used in various industries, providing strong data support for businesses to achieve precise marketing and efficient advertising placement.

●E-commerce Industry:E-commerce platforms use advertising monitoring and analysis platforms to evaluate the effectiveness of product promotion ads, optimize advertising placement strategies, and improve product sales and user conversion rates.

●Internet Industry:Internet companies monitor the effectiveness of their brand advertising and competitive advertising through the platform, formulate differentiated advertising strategies, and enhance brand awareness and user stickiness.

●Financial Industry:Financial institutions use advertising monitoring and analysis platforms to analyze the effectiveness of financial product advertising, accurately target customer groups, and improve the ROI of advertising placement.

●Education Industry:Educational institutions monitor and analyze the effectiveness of educational advertising through the platform, understand the preferences and needs of the audience, optimize advertising content, and enhance enrollment effects.

●Fast-moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Industry:FMCG companies use advertising monitoring and analysis platforms to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of FMCG advertising in real-time, quickly adjust advertising strategies, and capture market share.

04 Future Trends of China’s Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms

Despite the significant development of China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms in recent years, they still face some challenges. First, data privacy and security issues have always been a focus of the industry. How to effectively collect and analyze advertising data while protecting user privacy is an important issue that platforms need to address. Second, the continuous innovation and change in advertising forms require platforms to continuously upgrade their technology to adapt to new advertising monitoring and analysis needs.

However, challenges and opportunities coexist. With the continuous development of technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data, China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms are expected to achieve more accurate and efficient advertising effect monitoring and analysis in the future. At the same time, as the demand for advertising effect evaluation by enterprises continues to increase, the market prospects for the platform are also very broad. Looking to the future, China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms will show the following development trends:

●Technological Innovation:Platforms will continue to rely on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data to improve the accuracy and efficiency of advertising monitoring and analysis.

●Data Integration:Platforms will pay more attention to cross-platform and cross-media data integration, providing advertisers with more comprehensive and multi-dimensional advertising effect evaluations.

●Intelligent Decision Making:Through technologies such as machine learning, platforms will provide more intelligent advertising strategy suggestions, helping advertisers achieve more precise marketing decisions.

●Privacy Protection:In the process of data collection and analysis, platforms will pay more attention to user privacy protection, using techniques such as differential privacy and federated learning to ensure the security and privacy of user data.

●Customized Services:Platforms will provide more customized advertising monitoring and analysis services for different industries and different sizes of enterprises to meet their personalized needs.

05 Representative Advertising Monitoring and Analysis Platforms in China

● iResearch

iResearch is one of China’s leading market research institutions, focusing on data monitoring and analysis in the fields of the Internet, new media, and e-commerce. Its advertising monitoring services cover multiple dimensions such as ad exposure, clicks, and conversions, providing advertisers with comprehensive advertising effect evaluations.

Rich data resources, capable of covering multiple advertising channels and platforms make iResearch stand out. In addition to basic advertising effect data, iResearch also provides in-depth industry analysis and trend forecasts. However, for specific enterprises or industries with deep customization service needs, iResearch may not fully meet them.

● Miaozhen Systems

Miaozhen Systems is a leading provider of omnichannel marketing data technology solutions in China, focusing on providing advertisers with advertising effect monitoring, data analysis, and optimization suggestions. Its advantage lies in covering a variety of advertising channels both online and offline, such as search engine advertising, social media advertising, video platform advertising, e-commerce platform advertising, TV advertising, and outdoor advertising, providing comprehensive advertising effect monitoring. At the same time, Miaozhen can also provide enterprises with customized monitoring solutions to meet the specific needs of different enterprises. Of course, due to its advanced technology and comprehensive monitoring coverage, Miaozhen Systems’ service fees may be relatively high.

● AdMaster

AdMaster is a company focused on digital marketing effect monitoring and analysis, providing advertisers with cross-platform, cross-media advertising effect monitoring services, capable of monitoring the effects of various digital advertising platforms, including search engines, social media, video platforms, etc. With advanced tracking and analysis technology, AdMaster, with its professional consulting and service team, provides one-on-one customized services for customers. However, it is worth noting that although AdMaster excels in the field of digital marketing, it may be somewhat insufficient in monitoring traditional advertising channels.

● TrackingIO

TrackingIO is a professional mobile advertising effect monitoring and analysis platform, focusing on the mobile advertising field, with deep experience and technical accumulation in monitoring and analyzing mobile advertising, from user source to user activity, from user retention to behavior analysis, providing comprehensive data monitoring and analysis services. Relative to other platforms, TrackingIO maintains a high-cost performance while providing comprehensive services.

● AppsFlyer

AppsFlyer is a global leader in mobile app marketing attribution and analysis platforms and also has a wide influence in the Chinese market. AppsFlyer has a broad market recognition and user base, together with a professional team in the Greater China region, members of which have rich experience in the mobile internet field and can provide high-quality services for customers. In addition, AppsFlyer is the only third-party platform that has done a deep docking with Facebook, capable of obtaining multi-dimensional data such as exposure, clicks, installations, and costs. However, the platform mainly focuses on mobile applications and may be somewhat insufficient in monitoring other forms of advertising.

China’s advertising monitoring and analysis platforms are playing an increasingly important role in the advertising industry. Through continuous technological innovation and service upgrades, these platforms are expected to provide enterprises with more accurate and efficient advertising effect evaluation and optimization suggestions, helping enterprises stand out in the fierce market competition. However, each advertising monitoring and analysis platform has its unique advantages and disadvantages. Enterprises should choose the most suitable platform based on their own needs, budget, and industry characteristics.


#17 Introduction to Chinese Media and Advertising Media

The rapid development of information technology has brought about an unprecedented transformation in China’s media and advertising media industry. From traditional newspapers, magazines, radio, and television to emerging digital media, social media, and short video platforms, the diverse forms of media offer a broad space for information dissemination and advertising promotion. This article aims to help readers understand the development history of Chinese media, the current situation, and the diversity and application of advertising media.

I. The Development History of Chinese Media

In the era of traditional media, newspapers, magazines, radio, and television played a significant role in information dissemination and social supervision. Newspapers, as the earliest form of print media, carried the function of guiding public opinion and social education. Their advertisements were favored by advertisers for their wide dissemination, high authority, and credibility. Magazines attracted a specific audience with their in-depth professional content and exquisite printing, with advertisements that were highly targeted and had good preservation. Radio media, using sound as a means of communication, had the advantages of immediacy, extensiveness, and cost-effectiveness, especially in the era of information scarcity, becoming the main channel for obtaining information. Television, which started in the 1950s, gradually became the main way for family entertainment and information acquisition. Its advertisements were intuitive, vivid, and highly infectious, and with technological progress, the forms of television media have become richer.

Entering the 21st century, new media rapidly rose and changed the media landscape. Internet media broke through geographical restrictions, achieving global information dissemination, with its advertisements being precisely targeted, highly interactive, and trackable. Mobile media, with the popularity of smartphones, became the main channel for obtaining information, with mobile advertisements being convenient, personalized, and immediate, favored by advertisers. Social media such as Weibo, WeChat, and TikTok, through user-generated content and social networks, formed a strong dissemination power, with advertisements achieving precise targeting and efficient communication through user data and behavioral analysis.

II. The Diversity of Chinese Advertising Media

  1. Traditional Advertising Media

● Newspaper Advertising:Newspaper advertisements play an important role in brand promotion and product publicity due to their wide dissemination, high authority, and reading rates. Newspaper advertisements come in various forms, including display ads, soft articles, and classified ads. With the popularity of the internet, the rise of electronic newspapers and newspaper apps has diversified the channels for newspaper advertising.

● Magazine Advertising:Magazine advertisements have a high influence in specific fields with their exquisite printing, professional content, and clear audience positioning. They usually use color printing and high-quality images to vividly display product features and brand images. Additionally, magazine advertisements have good preservation, facilitating readers to read and spread repeatedly.

● Radio Advertising:Radio advertisements spread through sound and can cover a wide audience. They have relatively low production costs and are not limited by geography, suitable for national or regional advertising. Moreover, radio advertisements have a strong emotional appeal, stimulating listeners’ desire to purchase.

● Television Advertising:With its intuitive, vivid, and highly infectious characteristics, television advertising has become an important means for advertisers to promote products and shape brands. Television advertisements come in various forms, including narrative ads, product demonstration ads, and celebrity endorsement ads. With the popularity of high-definition and smart TVs, the production level and dissemination effect of television advertisements continue to improve.

  1. Emerging Advertising Media

● Internet Advertising:Internet advertising, with its precise targeting, strong interactivity, and trackable effects, has become a new favorite for advertisers. It includes various forms such as search ads, display ads, video ads, and social media ads. Through big data analysis and AI technology, internet advertising can achieve personalized recommendations and precise marketing.

● Mobile Advertising:Relying on mobile devices like smartphones, mobile advertising achieves immediacy, convenience, and personalization of advertisements. It includes various forms such as app splash ads, feed ads, and native ads. Through user behavior analysis and geolocation technology, mobile advertising can achieve more precise targeting and higher conversion rates.

● Social Media Advertising:Social media advertising leverages the user data and behavioral analysis technology of social platforms to achieve precise targeting and efficient dissemination. It includes various forms such as Moments ads, Weibo ads, and TikTok ads. Through social networks and user-generated content (UGC), social media advertising can create a strong word-of-mouth effect and user stickiness.

● Short Video and Live Streaming Advertising:As emerging content forms, short videos, and live streaming have rapidly risen in recent years and are loved by users. Short video platforms like TikTok and Kuaishou attract user attention through short video content and insert advertisements or engage in brand cooperation. Live streaming advertising guides viewers to purchase products or pay attention to brands through the real-time interaction and promotion of the host. With their vivid, intuitive, and highly interactive characteristics, short video and live-streaming advertising have become a new channel for advertisers to promote products and shape brands.

III. Application Practice of Chinese Media and Advertising Media

  1. Media Convergence and Cross-industry Collaboration

With the in-depth development of media convergence, the boundaries between traditional and new media are becoming increasingly blurred. Media organizations continuously enhance their communication power and influence through cross-industry collaboration and resource integration. For example, TV stations collaborate with video websites to launch online dramas and variety shows; newspapers collaborate with social media to conduct online interactive activities. These cross-industry collaborations not only enrich the forms of media content expression and dissemination channels but also provide advertisers with more advertising options.

  1. Data-driven and Precision Marketing

The rise of big data and artificial intelligence technologies has brought revolutionary changes to the application of advertising media. By collecting and analyzing user data and behavioral characteristics, advertisers can achieve precise targeting and personalized recommendations. For instance, e-commerce platforms analyze users’ purchase history and browsing behavior data to recommend related products and coupons; social media platforms achieve precise targeting and efficient dissemination of advertisements through user profiling technology.

  1. Content Marketing and Brand Building

Content marketing has become one of the important means of modern advertising marketing. By producing high-quality and valuable content to attract user attention and participation, advertisers can achieve dual goals of brand building and product promotion. For example, brands attract user attention and interaction by releasing interesting short videos, writing in-depth articles, or holding online events; at the same time, they expand brand influence through user sharing and word-of-mouth on social media platforms.

The Chinese media and advertising media industry is in a period of rapid development and transformation. The integration of traditional media with new media and cross-industry collaboration is becoming a trend; big data and artificial intelligence technologies have brought revolutionary changes to the application of advertising media; content marketing and brand building have become the focus of advertisers. Understanding the development history and current situation of Chinese media and the diversity and application practice of advertising media is of great significance. It is hoped that this article can provide some reference and help for advertisers.


#18 Deciphering China’s Mainstream Advertising Technologies

In the digital era, Advertising Technology (AdTech) has become the core driving force of the advertising industry, reshaping the advertising market landscape at an unprecedented rate. It greatly enhances the efficiency and precision of advertising delivery and promotes the digital transformation of the advertising industry. This article will delve into the principles of AdTech, provide a detailed analysis of China’s mainstream advertising technologies and their corresponding tools, and offer strategic advice for advertisers on selecting the right advertising technology tools.

Principles of Implementation

The implementation of AdTech is rooted in the deep integration of big data, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies. Its essence lies in collecting and analyzing multi-dimensional, real-time user data to construct precise user profiles, thereby achieving personalized advertising delivery and performance optimization. This process can be roughly divided into the following key steps:

●Data Collection:User behavior data on the Internet is collected using various methods, including cookie tracking, device ID recognition, social media login information, etc., covering browsing history, search records, purchase behavior, and more.

●Data Processing and Analysis:Raw data is transformed into valuable insights through data cleaning, integration, and modeling, involving advanced analytical techniques such as data anonymization, user segmentation, and interest prediction.

●TargetAudience Positioning:Based on user profiles, algorithmic models identify potential audience groups that meet the needs of advertisers, achieving precise advertising delivery.

●Real-Time Bidding (RTB):On the advertising trading platform (AdExchange), DSPs and SSPs compete for advertising display opportunities through a real-time bidding mechanism. DSPs automatically bid for suitable ad spaces based on the budget and target audience set by the advertiser.

●AdDisplay and Performance Tracking:After the ad content is accurately delivered to the target audience, the system continuously tracks key indicators such as ad display frequency, click-through rate, conversion rate, etc., to evaluate the ad performance and adjust the delivery strategy accordingly.

Overview of Mainstream Advertising Technologies and Corresponding Tools in China

With the vigorous development of the digital economy in China, advertising technology has shown a trend of diversification. Here is an overview of China’s mainstream advertising technologies and their corresponding tools:

●ProgrammaticBuying Platformsprovide comprehensive solutions for programmatic buying, supporting advertisers to deliver ads through RTB or Private Marketplace (PMP),andoptimizing the allocation of advertising resources. Representative platforms include Tencent Advertising, Alimama, Baidu Marketing, andYOYITECH.

●DataManagement Platform (DMP)tools focus on data collection, integration, and management, offering advertisers a wealth of data tags and in-depth analytical capabilities to aid in precise marketing. Representative service providers include Sensors Data, Umeng+, Getui, andYOYITECH.

●Demand-side Platform (DSP)tools allow advertisers to manage their advertising budgets autonomously, set delivery strategies, and adjust the delivery effects in real-time to enhance the ROI of advertising. Representative service providers includeYOYI TECH.

●Supply-sidePlatform (SSP)tools represent the media side, integrating and optimizing their own and third-party advertising resources, offering advertisers a variety of ad space choices, and improving ad fill rates and revenue. Representative service providers include Mango TV Advertising Platform, Youku Advertising Platform, and Toutiao Advertising Platform.

●AdvertisingTrading Platform (AdExchange)tools act as the hub of the advertising market, connecting advertisers, DSPs, SSPs, and other participants, achieving real-time transactions and dynamic pricing of ad spaces. Representative service providers include Tencent Advertising Trading Platform, Baidu Phoenix Nest, and Alimama Taobao Alliance.

●CustomerRelationship Management (CRM)tools not only help businesses manage customer information but also enhance customer experience and promote sales conversion and loyalty through data analysis. Representative service providers include Salesforce,Facishare, and Kingdee Cloud.

●MarketingAutomation (MA)tools can automate tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and customer journey management, significantly improving marketing efficiency and outcomes. Representative MA tools for the consumer goods market in China include LinkFlow and Convertlab.

●Content and Creative Generation Technologyuses natural language processing, image recognition, and other technologies to automatically generate advertising copy and design materials, improving creative output efficiency. Youyi Technology’s Compass has AI creative production and copywriting capabilities, helping advertisers reduce manpower and enhance creative efficiency.

How Advertisers Choose the Right Advertising Technology Tools

When selecting AdTech or MarTech tools, advertisers should think carefully to ensure that the chosen tools can maximize the realization of their marketing goals. Here are detailed expansions on the five considerations mentioned above to enhance their persuasiveness and practicality:

●Precise Target Audience Positioning:Understand the audience thoroughly by defining their characteristics such as age, gender, geographic location, interests, and purchase behavior. Obtain detailed audience information through market research and user profile construction.

●Tool Matching Degree:Based on the characteristics of the target audience, advertisers should choose AdTech or MarTech tools that can accurately identify and reach these audiences. For example, if the target audience is mainly active on social media, choosing a tool with strong social media advertising capabilities would be more appropriate.

●Comprehensive Assessment of Data Capabilities:Evaluate the tool’s data collection channels, data storage and cleaning, integration capabilities, and advanced data analysis techniques and algorithms to ensure data quality and security.

●Smoothness of Technology Integration:Understand the tool’s compatibility with existing systems, the richness of API interfaces, and the support and training provided by the supplier.

●In-depth Analysis of Cost-effectiveness:Clarify the initial investment, long-term costs, and ROI assessment of the tool to choose a cost-effective solution.

As technology continues to advance, China’s AdTech will continue to evolve, providing brands with more intelligent and personalized marketing solutions. Enterprises should seize the opportunities of digital transformation and use these technologies to optimize marketing strategies, enhance brand influence, and improve market competitiveness.


#20 2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trends: Adaptive Development and Self-Driven Evolution

With the recovery of China’s economy and the ever-changing market environment in 2024, advertisers are facing new challenges and opportunities. According to the “2024 China Advertiser Marketing Trends Survey Report” released by CTR Market Research and the Advertiser Research Institute of the Communication University of China, we can see that advertisers are accelerating their own “self-driven evolution” to adapt to the development and changes of the market.

The Advertising Market Shows Strong Adaptability

In the first quarter of 2024, the growth rate of China’s GDP and the total retail sales of consumer goods showed a clear positive correlation with the growth rate of the advertising market. The advertising market has shown a resilient development trend based on changes in the macro environment. According to the report data, the growth rate of the advertising market is consistent with the growth rates of GDP and the total retail sales of consumer goods, indicating that the advertising market has strong adaptability and resilience.

Advertisers Focus on Internal Energy Storage

Against the backdrop of increasing external environmental uncertainty, advertisers pay more attention to optimizing their internal operations. The report points out that advertisers’ scoring of their business conditions (on a scale of 1-10) is above 7.0, showing a high regard for internal factors.Advertisers have achieved resilient development through proactive internal measures, such as senior decision-making behavior, brand development needs, and business management measures.

Innovation Driven by Limited Budget Growth

Despite limited budget growth, advertisersseekto achieve more goals and better results through innovation. In terms of new product promotion, the report mentions that 92% of advertisers have new product development needs, and the marketing expenses for new product promotion in 2024 are expected to increase by 3 percentage points. This indicates that advertisers stimulate brand vitality through new products and take on more innovative responsibilities in the marketing department.

Application of New Technology

Advertisers are very interested in the development of AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content). The report shows that nearly 80% of advertisers are expected to apply AIGC in 2024, an increase of 9 percentage points from last year. Creative content generation is the main field where advertisers use AIGC, reflecting the active exploration of advertisers in the application of new technologies.

User Expansion and Market Extension

Advertisers precipitate “new retention” of brands through cross-border breakthroughs, and at the same time, they expect to increase investment in regional marketing in prefecture-level cities, county-level cities, rural areas, and international markets. The report points out that the proportion of advertisers of different scales in 2024 that are expected to increase investment in regional markets is compared with the overall level, showing that large enterprises attach great importance to increasing investment in international markets, while small and medium-sized enterprises focus on increasing investment in the sinking market.

Mental Accumulation and Content Empowerment

Advertisers build a content middle platform to unify the main tone and build a multi-element content ecosystem. The report emphasizes that 84% of advertisers agree that “content marketing is the best way to achieve brand differentiation and deepen consumer relationships.” Content marketing has become a way that advertisers value, especially on their own apps, official websites, and other channels.

Confidence Transmission and Industry Progress

Advertisers take the initiative to boost the confidence of related parties in the industry chain, such as increasing investment in media public relations propaganda and maintaining middlemen/agents. Television media, especially CCTV, hasastrong influence value and has become an important channel for advertisers to carry out strategic exposure.


In 2024, the marketing trends of Chinese advertisers show the characteristics of adaptive development and self-driven evolution. With limited budgets, advertisers are striving to achieve continuous growth and enhance brand value in the ever-changing market environment through strategies such as internal optimization, innovation drive, user expansion, market extension, mental accumulation, and confidence transmission. With the continuous emergence and application of new technologies, advertisers are actively exploring more efficient and accurate marketing methods to adapt to and lead the development trend of the market.

For the complete report,please send email


#21 China Skincare and Makeup Industry Advertising Qualification Details

As consumers increasingly demand quality, safety, and brand reputation, compliance with advertising qualifications has become an indispensable part for overseas brands to successfully enter the international market. Different countries and regions have strict laws, regulations, and industry standards for the advertising of skincare and makeup products. This requires brands to understand and comply with local advertising qualification details to ensure the positive shaping of the brand image and the smooth expansion of the market. This article aims to provide overseas brands with an overview of the advertising qualification details in the skincare and makeup industry, helping you to cross regional boundaries and accurately grasp the advertising standards and requirements of the Chinese market.

General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care

Industry Description

Manufacturing and distribution of daily chemical products used for facial skin cleansing and care.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If it is domestically produced non-special (general) cosmetics, a “Domestic Non-Special Purpose Cosmetics Filing Certificate” or a screenshot of the public announcement page on the official website of the National Medical Products Administration or a general cosmetic filing certificate is required.

If it is imported non-special (general) cosmetics, the following are required:

2.1 “Imported Non-Special Purpose Cosmetics Filing Certificate” or a screenshot of the public announcement page on the official website of the National Medical Products Administration or an imported general cosmetic filing certificate.

2.2 “Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Certificate for Imported Goods.”

If it is a cosmetic manufacturing enterprise, a “Cosmetics Production License” is required.

If it is a registrant or filer who is not a cosmetic manufacturing enterprise, the following are required:

4.1 The entrusted manufacturing enterprise’s “Cosmetics Production License.”

4.2 “Contract Manufacturing Agreement” or distribution authorization.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” or “Business License” (E-commerce license for individual industrial and commercial households) is required.

General Cosmetics – Makeup and Perfume

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing makeup (cosmetics used for beautifying and embellishing appearance with color) and perfume.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for whitening, freckle removal, and sun protection.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

For imported special cosmetics, a “Imported Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document” or “Imported Special Purpose Cosmetics Health Permit Approval Document” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Hair Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for hair care, perming, dyeing, and anti-hair loss.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Special Purpose Cosmetics – Body Care

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing special purpose cosmetics used for hair growth, hair removal, breast enhancement, fitness, deodorization (5-year transition period).

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Special Purpose Cosmetics Administrative License Approval Document.”

Business Scope Qualifications

The same as for Special Purpose Cosmetics – Skin Care.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Beauty Tools

Industry Description

Business entities manufacturing and distributing tools used in daily makeup and beauty applications (excluding electronic products).

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving specific trademarks, a “Trademark Registration Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-holding company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.

Personal Account Opening

The same as for General Cosmetics – Facial Cleansing and Care.


#22 China Tourism and Travel Industry Advertising Qualification Details

In today’s booming global tourism and travel industry, for overseas brands, entering the Chinese market, which is full of opportunities and challenges, means not only bringing unique travel experiences and high-quality services but also following and deeply understanding the industry’s advertising and marketing standards. This guide aims to provide a detailed set of advertising qualification details for overseas brands looking to expand into the Chinese tourism market.

Tourism Bureau – Overseas

Industry Description

Tourism administrative units or tourism management departments outside mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Tourism Bureau – Domestic

Industry Description

Administrative units of tourism in various provinces, cities, and autonomous regions within mainland China.

Industry Qualifications

“Unified Social Credit Code Certificate”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Hotels – Domestic

Industry Description

Commercial places within mainland China that provide accommodation and meals for travelers.

Industry Qualifications

“Special Industry License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” is required.

Hotels – Overseas

Industry Description

Commercial places outside mainland China that provide accommodation and meals for travelers.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Car Rental Services – Overseas

Industry Description

Business entities providing vehicle rental services (without drivers) at locations outside mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Car Rental Services – Domestic

Industry Description

Business entities providing vehicle rental services (without drivers) at locations within mainland China.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For car rental services in Shanxi Province, Jiangsu Province, Fujian Province, and Shijiazhuang City, a “Car Rental Business License” is required.

For car rental services in Beijing City, Zhejiang Province, and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a “Car Rental Business Record Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Railway Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing inter-city railway passenger transport services, including high-speed rail transport, inter-city rail transport, urban underground rail transport, and regular railway passenger transport, including their own ticket sales.

Industry Qualifications

“Railway Transport License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Road Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing passenger transport services on all roads, including their own ticketing services.

Industry Qualifications

“Road Transport Operating License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Water Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing various water transport services primarily for passenger transport, which can be divided into maritime passenger transport, inland river passenger transport, and passenger ferry transport, including their own ticket sales.

Industry Qualifications

“Domestic Waterway Transport Business License” or a license certificate stamped by the relevant local transportation department.

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Passenger Air Transport

Industry Description

Business entities providing air transport services primarily for passenger transport, covering their own ticketing activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Public Air Transport Enterprise Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Service Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms providing various urban car travel services (such as quick rides, exclusive rides, carpooling, and driving services) and shared bicycle travel services (excluding car manufacturer-operated travel platforms, such as T3 Travel).

Industry Qualifications

“Network Car Booking Business License”

Record certificate of internet information services from the provincial communication authority.

Business Scope Qualifications

For taxi services, a “Road Transport Business License” or “Taxi Business Qualification Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Information and Ticket Reservation Platforms

Industry Description

Online comprehensive platforms providing various railway, road, ferry, and air travel-related services, including metro ticketing and ride code tools.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Mainly includes Tencent News, Tencent Video, Q-series traffic, WeChat traffic, Youliang Hui, etc., with specific traffic available subject to actual advertising placement.

Personal Account Opening


OTA Platforms

Industry Description

Business entities operating online comprehensive travel reservation platforms and travel information, strategy content platforms.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Camping Services

Industry Description

Business entities providing camping facilities (such as tents and other equipment) and camping site services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Information and Ticket Reservation Platforms

Industry Description

Online comprehensive platforms providing various railway, road, ferry, and air travel-related services, including metro ticketing and ride code tools.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Mainly includes Tencent News, Tencent Video, Q-series traffic, WeChat traffic, Youliang Hui, etc., with specific traffic available subject to actual advertising placement.

Personal Account Opening


OTA Platforms

Industry Description

Business entities operating online comprehensive travel reservation platforms and travel information, strategy content platforms.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business)

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Camping Services

Industry Description

Business entities providing camping facilities (such as tents and other equipment) and camping site services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Countryside Tours and Cultural Towns

Industry Description

Business entities that develop tourism services around the geographical culture and industrial resources of rural areas or characteristic towns.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Resort Areas

Industry Description

Operators of comprehensive tourist areas that integrate rest, play, and entertainment, as well as related ticket service providers.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For hotel accommodations, a “Special Industry License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Theme Parks

Industry Description

Providers of tourism services and related ticket services that offer a tourism experience dominated by a theme, along with different landscapes and facilities.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For hotel accommodations, a “Special Industry License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Zoos and Botanical Gardens

Industry Description

Operators of places that are open to the public for the exhibition of wild animals and plants, as well as providers of ticketing services.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For domestic scenic spots, scenic area level certification is required.

For domestic entertainment venues, an “Entertainment Business License” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Overseas Scenic Spots

Industry Description

Operators of scenic spots and related ticket service providers outside mainland China, such as natural and cultural scenic areas, cultural heritage sites, etc.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Study Tours and Sightseeing Activities

Industry Description

Business entities that provide sightseeing activities that combine play and learning mainly for school students.

Industry Qualifications

“Travel Agency Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Cruise Ships

Industry Description

Business entities that provide cruise ships for entertainment sailing, which generally combine transportation, accommodation, restaurants, and entertainment.

Industry Qualifications

“Waterway Transport License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For international shipping services, an “International Shipping Business License” or “International Liner Transport Qualification Registration Certificate” is required.

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Travel Agencies

Industry Description

Business entities that provide services such as handling entry and exit and visa procedures for tourists, soliciting and receiving tourists, and arranging accommodation and meals for tourists.

Industry Qualifications

“Travel Agency Business License”

Business Scope Qualifications

For cooperation with third parties or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Ads Spaces in Tencent Ecosystem

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening



#26 China Internet-Related Services Advertising Qualification Details

In today’s globalized digital era, overseas brands are increasingly looking towards the Chinese market for broader development opportunities. However, when advertising in China, especially in the fields of internet e-commerce services and content information services, understanding and complying with the relevant advertising qualification details is crucial. This article aims to provide overseas brands with a comprehensive guide to advertising qualifications in the software tools industry, focusing on China’s internet e-commerce services, content information services, and other related service areas, helping brands to smoothly enter and effectively operate in the Chinese market.

01 Internet E-commerce Services

General E-commerce

Industry Description

Comprehensive third-party e-commerce platforms that conduct cross-industry and category sales through various content forms, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and live broadcasts.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Vertical E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that specialize in sales of a single industry and category through various content forms, including but not limited to text, images, videos, and live broadcasts.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For liquor vertical e-commerce platforms with self-operated sales without third-party merchants, a “Food Production License” (including alcohol) or “Alcohol Production License” or “National Industrial Product Production License” (including alcohol) or “Food Business License” (including alcohol) or “Food Business License” (pre-packaged food sales) or “Alcohol Wholesale License” or “Alcohol Retail License” is required. If it’s a cross-border e-commerce platform, also required is the “People’s Republic of China Customs Declaration Unit Registration Certificate” or “Customs Import and Export Cargo Consignor and Consignee Record Receipt”.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Cross-border E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that provide services such as transaction facilitation and payment settlement for traders belonging to different customs territories.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Used Goods E-commerce Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party e-commerce platforms that provide transactions for second-hand goods (excluding second-hand car and property transactions).

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


KOL Marketing Agencies

Industry Description

Live commerce activities carried out by MCN agencies, contracted anchors, and internet celebrities.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening

Yes, a “Individual Business License” or “Business License” (E-commerce license for individual industrial and commercial households) is required.

Social E-commerce

Industry Description

Merchants or platforms that use social means to achieve the purchase and sale of goods, applying social elements such as attention and sharing to the transaction process in third-party e-commerce scenarios, often incentivizing users to share and fission through commission benefits.

Industry Qualifications


Business Scope Qualifications

If involving third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

If it’s self-operated sales of goods/services without third-party merchants, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store is required.

If involving an app, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services) is required.

For profit-oriented provision of internet information services, a “Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Service Business) is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, a “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Cashback Platforms

Industry Description

Third-party platforms that provide cashback or rebates after consumers make purchases, not directly carrying out transaction activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services)

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


E-commerce Navigation Platforms

Industry Description

Information platforms that categorize and integrate product information on e-commerce platforms based on consumer purchasing habits, not directly carrying out transaction activities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B21 E-commerce Services)

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


02 Internet Content and Information Services

Online News and Information

Industry Description

Comprehensive thematic websites or apps that primarily focus on the dissemination of real-time information, including local stations (excluding vertical field information platforms).

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For disseminating news information, an “Internet News Information Service License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Online Video Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that support the release and viewing of long, medium, and short videos.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For broadcasting self-produced radio and television programs, a “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Online Live Streaming Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that provide public broadcasting of live images via the internet.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For broadcasting self-produced radio and television programs, a “Radio and Television Program Production and Operation License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Music Streaming Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms that support music publishing, playback, and related services.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Reading and Online FM Listening

Industry Description

Business entities that provide online services for network literature reading, podcast audio listening, and publishing.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music. For other ad spaces, please consult customer service.

Personal Account Opening


Digital Animation Platforms

Industry Description

Online platforms specifically dedicated to providing animation and comic viewing, reading, and related services.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services) or app screenshots from App Store/Apple Store.

Business Scope Qualifications

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


03 Other Internet Services

Internet Search

Industry Description

Platforms/websites that provide services for collecting information on the Internet based on strategies and the use of programs.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Integrated Online Communities

Industry Description

Online communication spaces that include BBS, forums, bulletin boards, personal knowledge posts (including paid), group discussions, personal spaces, etc., covering various theme-based vertical communities.

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For disseminating news information, an “Internet News Information Service License” is required.

For profit-oriented operation of internet cultural activities, an “Online Culture Operation License” is required.

For including audio-visual program services, an “Audio-Visual Program Service License” is required.

For online publishing, a “Network Publishing Service License” or the original “Internet Publishing License” is required.

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


Internet Public Service Platforms

Industry Description

Internet platforms that specifically provide third-party service platforms for public service providers (such as governments).

Industry Qualifications

“Value-added Telecommunications Business License” (B25 Internet Information Services).

Business Scope Qualifications

For third-party cooperation or promotion of products not owned by the account-opening company, a “Brand Authorization Letter” or related cooperation agreement, sales agreement, or authorization letter is required.

Open Traffic

Ads can be placed on Tencent News, Tencent Video, Tencent Video Clips, QQ, Tencent Music and Games, WeChat Public Accounts and Mini Programs, WeChat Moments, Youliang Hui, PC QQ, QQ Space, Tencent Music.

Personal Account Opening


When overseas brands advertise in the Chinese market, they must deeply understand and strictly comply with the advertising qualification details related to Internet services in China. This is not only a respect for laws and regulations but also the cornerstone of the brand’s stable development in the Chinese market. Through this guide, Moonshot AI hopes to help overseas brands better grasp the opportunities in the Chinese market and achieve a win-win situation for both the brand and the market.
